Berberis darwinii
Darwin's Barberry
Early Spring 2017
- 3
Early Spring 2016
- 22
Late Winter 2016
- 20
Mid Winter 2016
- 5
Mid Autumn 2015
- 8

Berberis darwinii
Early Spring 2017
Early Spring 2016

I love this shrub - one of my favourites. The flowers may be small but the colour is so intense.

#intense #berberis #orange

@richard.spicer.7906 mums got this shrub and its just coming into full bloom we were only saying same ourselves today the colour is so vibrant but we didnt know which it was so thanx for naming it

Smashing photo. Captured the brightness brilliantly.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

@Keely no problem, glad to have highlighted it. It's quite a distinct flower so once you've seen it once you tend to recognise it again 😊

Cheers @robbiec 👍🏼

@richard.spicer.7906 I also have this one in my garden, it does look stunning

I first saw it at Kew Gardens, and they were using it as hedging. Very pretty @katgreen
This is beautiful, but I'm put off berberis because of the spikes :-(

@richard.spicer.7906 Kew Gardens 😊 loved my visit there

Love the colour

This is lovely.
Late Winter 2016

Morning! Not long before these Berberis buds are fully open. The colour is turning out better than I imagined 😊

Great shot Rich 👍👍🙌🏻

That looks fab Rich 🙌

That is stunning you must be so please d😊

Thanks Julie 😀🙌🏼 @juliesgarden

Fab colour

Cheers Justin! 😎🙌🏼 @justin

I am @kathy - I first saw this plant at Kew Gardens and fell in love with it straight away - they had it growing as a hedge and it looked superb in flower. 😀

Aw, thanks Deborah 😊 I hope you have a wonderful weekend, looking forward to see what everyone on GT is going to be up to 👍🏼 @latebloomer

Morning... it's a beauty Richard lovely colour

Love the intense colour 😍

Just gorgeous @richard.spicer.7906 love it 👌
Mid Winter 2016

Had a brilliant day pondering in the garden full of life ❤️

Good feeling when you've had a sucessful day in the garden😍

At first glance I thought it was holly. The leaves fooled me 😂😂

It really had a sense of Spring Jan 😊 @janric

@fuschia - oh yes, hadn't even picked up on that Pearl 😂 - I was paying too much attention to the flower buds!
Mid Autumn 2015

Here's another new one for my garden. I purchased this a couple of weeks ago - Berberis darwinii. It's actually evergreen but it's older leaves are starting to turn bright luminous red right now. 😁


That looks amazing. Super shot Rich 🙌

Looks wonderful

Liking this 👍

Very nice!

Thanks @justin 🙌🏼

What a beauty 👍
😎 - hot colours from this Berberis darwinii #berberis #berberis-darwinii
Beautiful colour!
Shiny colour