Ensete ventricosum 'Maurelii' syn. Ensete ventricosum 'Rubrum', Ensete 'Maurelii', Musa 'Santa Morelli'
Ethopian Banana 'Maurelii'
Late Spring 2019
- 9
Mid Autumn 2018
- 25
Late Summer 2018
- 4
Mid Summer 2018
- 13
Early Summer 2018
- 1

Ensete ventricosum 'Maurelii' syn. Ensete ventricosum 'Rubrum', Ensete 'Maurelii', Musa 'Santa Morelli'
Late Spring 2019
Mid Autumn 2018

Finally given in to the weather, and as it’s gonna be 2 degrees tonight’s forecast I’ve been preparing the banana for winter hibernation this week. Last Saturday I took it out of its pot, used an old kitchen knife to saw through roots and soil made it much easier to tidy up the root ball. Then leant upside-down to drain excess water (leafs still intact for three days), then on Wednesday finally cut off the leaves and potted it back up in old compost. He’s gone in the garage now for winter 👍🏼

Hope this was the right thing 🤔🤞🏼. How’s everyone else done (or doing) theirs? #thebananagang #abyssinianbanana #ensete #ensete-ventricosum #enseteventricosummaurelii

😱 Still haven't got the heart to chop my banana! Looks heart breaking 😩👎 @richard.spicer.7906

I know! It was very tough but read up quite a bit first. My only worry is whether I should have left a couple of leaves on, but got the impression this was maybe only better if growing in a greenhouse. Mines going to be in the dark @porto

Think I'll keep mine intact for now & just take it into the garage overnight for the next couple of days then take it from there.. No frost forecast here in Watford & I can't see 2 degrees killing it.. @richard.spicer.7906

Fingers crossed David🤞🏼@porto

I’ve cut mine like you Richard but left a couple of leave brought it inside the house. My bigger one is in the garage. Fingers crossed they both live through winter🤗

I'm going to have to cut back my elephant ear soon. Not looking forward to it. 😔

No, leaving leaves on is not a necessity. Mine have gone in the heated greenhouse and are still growing

I’m with David on this. Mine is still looking really good but I’ll move it into the greenhouse for now, just as a precaution. 🤞 @richard.spicer.7906 @porto

I’ve previously brought mine into the house and it has been fine. Last year it was too big, so put it in the unheated heated greenhouse (faulty heater) and lost it 😱 I’ve already put its replacement in the greenhouse - leaves and all 🤞

Ah thanks Julie - he's tucked up in the garage now so will inspect him once a week to make sure looks all ok 👍🏼 @vec
Late Summer 2018

The banana - only bought it in June at GWL, and now reaching taller than the compost bin. No sign of it slowing down yet... #ensete-ventricosum #ensete #enseteventricosummaurelii #banana #thebananagang

Can't see how I can live without one of those - it has got to go on my wishlist!

Stunning, what a shame that it dies after flowering

It’s a beauty, I love it xx
Mid Summer 2018

Banana plant has grown so much in six weeks, potted on and fed too #ensete-ventricosum #ensete #enseteventricosummaurelii #banana #thebananagang

They dont mess about rich do they.

#thebananagang 🍌😏👍

They certainly don’t Dave! 😄 @davewrightjoinerygooglemail.co

Hi @Cazx , I think you asked me about this one the other day - here he is, already in love with this one 😊

@porto 😉

Thanks @richard.spicer.7906 for posting a pic. I'm so envious, I want one !! They are so striking, colours are amazing! 🍌 what soil would you use as it's in a pot ?

Looking good, they're monsters when they get going. Not sure how I'm going to get mine out of the ground this year 😂

Fantastic Rich 👌

Sorry @Cazx just realised I never responded to this - at the moment I’m just using a good rich compost, plus added some composted manure, and then even with all this I put some slow realise fertiliser on the surface! Hungry things.... 😁 - it won’t be staying in this pot for long, probably just till next spring and then I’ll repot it to a bigger one. It will need it the rate it’s growing 😳

🤣 - Hopefully the roots are not too deep, I remember someone on here mentioning that it’s quite shallow rooted I think @vec

Cheers Jeff 👍🏼 @jeatacake 😄
Early Summer 2018

New purchase from GWLive, Ensete ventricosum ‘Maurelii’ (Ethiopian Banana) - I don’t think it will be in this pot for long! #ensete #ensete-ventricosum #enseteventricosummaurelii #ethiopianbanana #thebananagang
23/05/19 - My banana plant is putting on some growth already. It’s been outside for about a month now, with a couple of nights back against the house in case of frost, but it’s put out two new leaves already and a third on the way. The old leaves which had been cut part way emerged whilst it was in the garage over winter, and yellow, but they have gone green now too. Reported it in a mix of 50% manure and 50% compost #ensete #ensete-ventricosum #enseteventricosummaurelii #banana #thebananagang
Looking good 👍
Ignore the weedy border in the background, the garden is undergoing attention but haven’t got to this bit yet 😂🤭🙄
Looking good Rich, mine have been planted out for about 3 weeks now with new leaves emerging
Cheers Jeff 😄👍🏼 @jeatacake
I know, I know 🤭 Gary, I’m embarrassed to call myself a gardener with weeds like that. Good job you can’t see the other borders! 🙈🤣🤦🏼♂️ @scaryskates
Excellent Julie, I’ve not been brave enough to plant mine in the ground yet, too many brambles I need to get clear of all the beds and having a total revamp now. How often are you feeding yours? @vec
I filled the hole with chicken pellets before putting it in a manure based border and will feed it weekly Rich 😂
🤣 not that hungry then! I’ve only got tomato feed, so I’ll get some other stuff that’s a bit higher in nitrogen. Last year I was using Vitax Q4 pellets which are a bit more slow release @vec