29/08/19 - me and @mike.orford.5 having a leisurely stroll back along the Rhodes coast on the way back to the hotel from the beach, and saw one of many many beautiful Lantana camara shrubs - this one was golden yellow, but they have sooooo many other colours out here 😍😍 #lantana #lantana-camara #lantanacamara #bigsage #holidayfind #greece 🇬🇷 #notmygarden #iwishthiswasmygarden 😉
29/08/19 - me and @mike.orford.5 having a leisurely stroll back along the Rhodes coast on the way back to the hotel from the beach, and saw one of many many beautiful Lantana camara shrubs - this one was golden yellow, but they have sooooo many other colours out here 😍😍 #lantana #lantana-camara #lantanacamara #bigsage #holidayfind #greece 🇬🇷 #notmygarden #iwishthiswasmygarden 😉