Mammillaria vetula 'Fragilis' syn. Mammillaria gracilis var. fragilis, Mammillaria fragilis
Thimble Cactus 'Fragilis'
Mid Winter 2021
- 16
Mid Winter 2020
- 4
Mid Winter 2017
- 5

Mammillaria vetula 'Fragilis' syn. Mammillaria gracilis var. fragilis, Mammillaria fragilis
Mid Winter 2021
Mid Winter 2020

#cactus #mammillaria #mammillaria-gracilis #mammillariagracilis #mammillariavetula #mammillaria-vetulagracilis

Wow look at these clusters . How long have you had it for @richard.spicer.7906

Thanks QT 😊 I’m not sure how old the whole plant is, but I’ve had this in my possession for at least ten years, and it wasn’t that much smaller. It wasn’t repotted for a very long time so didn’t see any new growth or offsets form until in the last twelve months after it was repotted @QT

Thanks Katy! Looking a lot healthier than it used to for sure 😊👍🏼 @gjones
Mid Winter 2017

This one has been through it - it's been quite susceptible to rot and just when I'm ready to bite the bullet and get rid of it, it only springs back! Now, it will get a better pot in spring, as I don't think it's been repotted in years. Never seen flowers, and haven't yet been able to narrow down the genus, other than potentially another Mammillaria - either Mammillaria elongata or Mammillaria gracillis 🤔. Each stem is quite narrow and tiny, but seems to readily form new ones.

You can see in the centre of the plant where bits have rotted 😕 #cactus #plantid #plantid-cactus #mammillaria

A very pretty one....I like the white. My vote is Mammallaria elongata. Does it grow about 6" high? The Mammallaria gracillis has longer thorns on tip that look different.

@richard.spicer.7906 it is a mammillaria elongata mine has small yellow flowers

One of my favorite 😍
I inherited this Mammillaria about 15 years ago and for most of that time it was indoors and didn’t grow at all (scroll left to see previous pics) but since being outside with more light during the summer it’s grown well, filled out and you can def see evidence of new growth. Do these flower? Maybe this year it will finally do it 🤞🏼 #succulentsunday #cacti
#cactus #mammillaria #mammillaria-gracilis #mammillariagracilis #mammillariavetula #mammillaria-vetulagracilis
I’ve only seen photos of flowers on line. I’ve grown them for years in New York and it never flowered. Now I’m trying in Vegas and with strong sun it just might. 🌞
Wow another weird and wonderful.....🌵👌🏼
Fab isn’t it Urszula 😊🙏🏼 @ublaszko
Fingers crossed that we both get some flowers soon 😁 @sunlovin - is yours quite slow growing too?
Quirky little thing 🌵🌵 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Considering the centre was quite rotten a couple of years ago, it’s bounced back very well @gjones
Thanks Katie, I’d love to propagate it but I’d feel guilty taking a piece off 🙄 I like it’s current shape so would need to select in which bit I took @brightcolours
Yes but I think cause they’re so small, they just seem like they don’t get bigger. Lol. 🌞