Muscari armeniacum
Grape Hyacinth (Species) Armenian Grape Hyacinth
Early Spring 2017
- 3
Early Spring 2017
- 13
Mid Spring 2016
- 7
Late Winter 2016
- 12
Early Winter 2015
- 5
Late Autumn 2015
- 5
Mid Spring 2015
- 1
Mid Spring 2014
- 2

Muscari armeniacum
Early Spring 2017
Early Spring 2017

Morning, trying to catch-up with everyone as been a little busy these last couple of weeks. Had a spare 5mins at the weekend and I noticed my #Muscari bulbs are now flowering down in the wild woodland part of the garden, amongst the shrubs. Signs of #spring everywhere 😊🌱 #grapehyacinth #muscari-armeniacum

Well hello Rich 🙋, nice to see you , lovely photo 💙

Morning Richard, great photo. 💙💙💙

Lovely pic @richard.spicer.7906

I know what you mean Richard. Really hectic for me too. Lovely pic

Great photo Richard.

Hi Rich 💙✨👌☺️

Hi Rich 🙋🏻 lovely pic - hope you get a bit more garden time soon!

@richard.spicer.7906 Hi Rich. Hope all's well with you 😊😊

Fabulous 👏👏👏👏

Hi, lovely to see, they cheer things up with their lovely colour

Mid Spring 2016

Morning everyone 👋🏼☕️ - off to the garden centre soon for some pots, but in the meantime here are some #blue #muscari still flowering near my woodland path. I'm sure there were more last year though 🤔 #grapehyacinth #muscari-armeniacum

Lovely. Absolutely not bringing any plants home?? 😉

Absolutely...... 😳😂 @brightcolours


Mine are not in flower yet love these little blue/purple heads .

Very pretty! Mine are still going strong too!

The contrast between the soft flowing flowers and the hard treescape behind is really interesting in this photo. Nice job!
Late Winter 2016

The grape hyacinths are starting to bloom, surely it must be spring now! #grapehyacinth #muscari-armeniacum #muscari

#Spring 👍

Yes it is!

Stunning pic for the first thing to see this evening thanks @richard.spicer.7906 ❗️👌🏻


Aw thanks Naomi 😊 @Naomi126

Thanks Deborah 😊🙏🏼, I use a mixture of pics from my Canon 550D digital SLR camera, and my iPhone 6 - this one is from my SLR 👍🏼


I've had it about 3 years - for the first year it sat there doing nothing, was too scared to use it 😂 but then I read the manual and a couple of books and just started practicing since. I'm sure there is much to learn and more functions on it that I would ever use, but getting the hang of it now. I went travelling in Canada last year and took over 3000 photos (as practice of course 😂) @latebloomer

Lovely pic. I don't know what happened to mine this year-some are out and nearly over and some have just pushed through the soil. Must be down to this mad weather we have in the South🙄

Yeah, it's been a strange winter 🤔 - the foliage on these has been out for ages, weeks in fact, but the flowers are only now just coming through. Not many yet though. Barmey weather! @lyndag

I worry I'll get everything planted up then frost will come and obliterate it all😕
Early Winter 2015

These Grape Hyacinth are really coming on now. I don't think it will be long before the flowers come through 😳 #grapehyacinth #muscari-armeniacum #muscari

Pretty little flowers

I used to have now opinion of them some years ago, but since looking at pictures and taking photos of them I see they have an amazing structure 😊


Yes I agree @richard.spicer.7906
Late Autumn 2015

Bulbs coming to life along my woodland path 🍂🍃🌱 #grapehyacinth #muscari-armeniacum #muscari

Will look amazing

I hope they don't flower too soon Pearl 😕 @fuschia

Yep Richard it's a bit too early x

Mid Spring 2015

#grapehyacinth #muscari-armeniacum #muscari
Mid Spring 2014

#muscari #grapehyacinth #muscari-armeniacum

The traditional Grape Hyacinth- Muscari armeniacum. It grows freely, but in moderation, in the woodland part of my garden. I've never had to control it. I wonder if it's more tame in shadier conditions 🤔 #muscari #grapehyacinth #muscari-armeniacum
Certainly isn't tame in my garden. I've been pulling them out for 17 years!