Sansevieria trifasciata
Snake Plant
Mid Summer 2018
- 26
Early Summer 2018
- 7
Early Winter 2017
- 11

Sansevieria trifasciata
Mid Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

Love it when plant propagation works! Too early to tell if my lecturer was right about the variegation, as he reckoned that if you cut the green part out and just leave the variegated edges as legs sunken in the soil then you will retain the yellow edging. Only time will tell!

#sansevieria #sansevieria-propagation #leafcuttings #sansevieria-trifasciata #motherinlawstongue #chimera


Good luck 💚💚

Interesting! Let us know how you get on @richard.spicer.7906 🤞


How are they looking now, @richard.spicer.7906 ? Fascinating idea.
Early Winter 2017

Now here’s an experiment - if you take a leaf cutting from a variegated Sansevieria it will likely end up only green without the yellow margin. This is apparently because the variation is caused by a Chimera from two types of tissue. So, to potentially combat that we have tried a different technique - hard to describe as everything is below soil surface but we simple used a knife to cut out the green segment below ground - leaving variegated ‘legs’ sticking in the compost. ⬇️

Hopefully, any roots/rhizomes that form will then be from the variegated tissue rather than the greener tissue. It might not work but I love the anticipation 😀 #sansevieria #sansevieria-propagation #leafcuttings #sansevieria-trifasciata #motherinlawstongue #chimera

The other point to note is that for Sansevierias, the cutting must be the same way up as it was on the mother plant, otherwise it will not root 👍🏼

Good information! Hope this works. ❤️

Fascinating Richard will watch with interest 🤓
Can't wait to see the results!

I hope this works.

I'm intrigued to see this

Insight into the science of nature - love these posts xx

I'm currently going to try a few ways to propagate these from cuttings! It's only been 6 wks Richard. Have you seen any results yet?

Nothing yet Kari, but they are still alive so keeping my fingers crossed all ok and need to wait a while longer. I moved them closer to a heat source too in case that might help, so they are around a constant temp of about 18-20 degrees Celsius at the moment @KariSamuel
I’m repotting my #sansevieria leaf cuttings. Some of you might recall that my experiment was to see if I could get a shoot to develop on the variegated leg part (ie the yellow bit) rather than the green bit. Out of the three cuttings I took, two have formed from the normal green part, and so will only contain the non-variegated DNA and be completely green - but if you look bottom left the third one is popping straight out of the yellow variegated legs - 🤞🏼 fingers crossed it’s gonna be yellow!
It’s actually a form of chimera and in theory this special offshoot will contain the DNA of from the variegated part - can’t wait to see if this project worked 😀 #sansevieria-propagation #leafcuttings #sansevieria-trifasciata #motherinlawstongue #chimera
Keep us posted I'm interested to see the results
Is that what is called Mother In Law’s tongue Richard🤔
Yes Ann, it is. You can get all green ones, or variegated ones (with yellow edges) @thomasrat3
Will do Carol 😀👍🏼 @carolgs
I think mine is variegated - I’ll post a pic - is it correct that they do not need much water🤔
I hope you succeed Rich 👍👍
WOW! Very Interesting. I sure learn a lot for you all! 👏👏👏
I had one of these many years ago. My in laws brought it back from jersey for me. I had it for years. It had yellow edges. I hardly watered it and never fed it. It was on a north facing windowsill. It flowered several times to my mum in laws amazement. Sadly when we moved to our present house it passed away 😭😭
That's interesting..!! Keep us updated with the progress. Anxiously waiting to see it it comes completely yellow..
Thanks Cyndi, they have taken ages to get this far but its progress 😊 @cyndi - good job I have patience 😂