Sansevieria trifasciata
Late Summer 2018
Late Summer 2018

Is this the correct ID? This is the beautiful snake plant I got in yesterday’s trade! #plantswap #succulent-trade

@gjones thanks! ❤️❤️

That's a beautiful sansevieria. I'll have to look up on the patterns & colors ti be sure but it is a snake plant! @cyndi @ohhyouknow

@cyndi @veepaisal thank youuu!!
Re potted this #sanseveria into a smaller pot and top dressed it. I hope it gets enough light in this window. This window gets med-bright indirect light only.
I love those!! I have the one that’s just all green. It looks real good. It should b ok there. It’ll let u know in a week or so I know most of my plants let me know when I move them if they like it or not. Sometimes I get lucky and they just start really growing a lot, which is great🤗🤗😊💕
@terrimclaughlin thanks! So far it is looking like it is liking it here and I’m so excited about it! Most of my plants are full sun, it’s nice to have some inside for a change. 😍