Sansevieria trifasciata
Late Autumn 2020
Mid Summer 2018

The dish it was sitting on was about to overflow so I improvised. #mymotherinlawstongueisonthetoilet


Awesome idea for good drainage!!! :)

What did you eat!?

@willows Still waiting for the cholla to emerge.
I felt so vindicated when I found out about #Haworthiopsis. I had found it odd that the fairly generic looking little #succulents were part of the genus #Haworthia, which had these charming species with weird, translucent leaves. On the other hand, I'm kinda annoyed that #Sansevieria is no more and all its distinct species have been absorbed by the genus #Dracaena. Gah!
BTW, the is a leaf that Ats clipped from her #snakeplant and gave to me. I planted it and it took forever for the #pups to show but it didn't lose its color so I didn't lose hope.
In case you're wondering, those little white things are grains of rice. I was about to cook some and dumped the water I'd used (to rinse the rice) onto my plants.
If you didn't notice the rice grains and didn't care to know about them, please disregard the previous comment. And while you're at it, ignore this one, too.
Ah, i read about the change to Sansevieria a few months ago and wondered how that would go down. Will prob take ages to filter down into nurseries.
We also call this Mother In Laws Tongue in Louisiana
@bayou58 "Mother in Laws Tongue in Louisiana" is a mouthful. Ain't nobody got time fo' dat!