Sansevieria trifasciata
Late Summer 2017
Late Summer 2016

My sister started this for me. I did not have this one.

I've tried to propagate this plant with no success.

@mardel Try again. Let the cuts dry out well for at least a week before planting. Also make sure you plant pieces in the correct direction; top must remain top. They are desert plants. They like dry.

@lovestogarden I'll do that, I'll let the leaves dry longer. Thanks for the great advice!
New growth finally. #succulent #motherinlawstongue #succulentsunday
@cyndi..just cut a piece off and place right into the soil. Within a few weeks u should have new growth growing from it.. I've also taken a couple of pieces that were callused over and I've gotten the same results.
Propagating by cuttings have never worked for me. Congrats
Maribel, the congrats go to my sister. She potted it and I just watered it periodically. I am very excited. It took almost a year! @mardel
"Sansevieria laurentii"