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Profile Image Yvonne E


I love flower and vegetable gardening. Lucky to live on an island on the Southern BC Coast with a large variety of native and introduced species.

Aloe Vera

  • Season Icon Late SummerLate Summer 2017
  • Like Count 6

It took awhile but I finally figured out what this little one needs in order to make it happy. Which is to treat it completely different from all my other succulents and make sure it stays moist all the time. Also that it stays out of direct sunlight but has lots of heat. #succulentsunday #lessons #rssucculents


@gjones Hooray! 🙌 I was thinking of you this morning. We got 1.5" last night. Looks like more showers in the forecast too. I don't know about you but it feels fall came out of nowhere. Like 25° to 15° almost overnight. And going down to 5° at night. 😬


Interesting. We have a long growing season due to our temperate climate so first frost isn't normally until November. Winters tend to be dark and wet, usually hovering around 0-5°. Occasionally we'll get weeks where it drops below 0 and snows but it rarely goes below -10°. And if it does snow it usually only lasts for a couple days. Last winter was different with weeks below 0 and snow that stuck around. I'm not sure what they are speculating this year.
