Lilium (Asiatic)
Lily (Asiatic)
Late Spring 2020
- 11
Late Spring 2020
- 4
Late Spring 2020
- 5
Late Spring 2018
- 4

Lilium (Asiatic)
Late Spring 2020
Late Spring 2020

First #asiaticlily #lilium #redlily #red

Beautiful flower ❤

Thanks Katy ❤️ this one and the white are the only sure ones in the garden but I hope to add more with time 🤞🏻 @gjones

Thank you Mark 😊 these are a great contrast with the white ones I have but I hope I can add a yellow one next year 💛 @solly1961
Late Spring 2020

#asiatic-lily #whitelily #lilium #lilies #white

It's very beautiful Rula 😍😍😍

Thank you Jane and Katy 🤍💚🤍 @pelly @gjones

Gorgeous 🤍🤍🤍

Thank you Sue🤍 I have these in the same pot with the gardenia but I’m thinking about putting the red ones with the gardenia next year to mix it up 😁 @suerichards
Late Spring 2018

Hi Rula, are you ok, we haven’t heard from you for a while? 🤔😍

Thank you so much for asking Jane. I am fine but I started a PhD program that is very demanding and am simply focusing on my studies lately and doing the minimum in the garden but thank God mum is taking care of the garden @pelly

It’s lovely to hear from you again Rula, good luck with your studies and I’m glad to hear your mum is taking care of your beautiful garden 😍😍

Thank you Jane and hopefully I would be finished with my coursework soon and have more free time for the garden and spending time with mum 😘🥰
#lilium #asiaticlily #asiatic-lily #red
So beautiful 💖❤💖
Thank you Jane ❤️ I love how it looks like it’s shining in the sunlight 😁 @pelly
Thank you Laura ❤️ You can never have enough red flowers in the garden 😄 @columbiariver
They’re shimmering in the sunlight so it plays tricks with the colour but the result is just as you say ❤️💗🧡 @columbiariver
Beautiful red
You have some beautiful plants
Thank you Leslie ❤️❤️ @lesliecole49
Thank you Kylee 💚❤️ I love all flowers but I don’t always know what I’m doing 😅 @kylers
Love the colour of this one ❤
Thanks Jeff ❤️❤️ me too and it has a faint glow in the sunlight 🌟 @jeatacake