Philadelphus 'Belle Etoile' syn. Philadelphus x lemoinei 'Belle Etoile'
Mock orange 'Belle Etoile'
Mid Autumn 2020
- 7
Mid Autumn 2020
- 5

Philadelphus 'Belle Etoile' syn. Philadelphus x lemoinei 'Belle Etoile'
Mid Autumn 2020
Mid Autumn 2020

#octoberblooms #white #flowers #macro #details

Wow Sarah those are beautiful. Wonder what they are

Hard to be certain without seeing the leaves, but I think it looks like a Dog Rose (Rosa canina).

Gorgeous blooms. 💕😊

This is the full #flower zoomed out @savannahssucculentgarden & @docthrill Might be easier to identify in this photo. I guessed and identified it, even if it might be wrong, that way I could link the previous photo to this one. I don’t think my #plantID is correct #white #flowers
Honestly, to me these look like single roses.
@emch pretty sure it’s not a rose. this was on a long stem in an archway. You can see the archway in my previous photos.
But some roses produce clusters of flowers on the end of long stems. And there are climbing roses you can see on trellises, while mockoranges don't even have a climbing form. There are no leaves in either photo. Are the leaves like these opposite pairs of ovals set along woody stems (mock orange) or these 5-leafleted numbers occurring alternately on thorny stems (roses)?
I'm pretty sure it's Camellia sasanqua. I'm not certain about the variety, but I think it's Camellia sasanqua 'Exquisite'. Let me know if you agree. 😊
I wouldn't know a camellia if it bit me. A lot of them do look like roses for sure.
awesome details 👌