Acer palmatum
Japanese Maple
Early Autumn 2018
- 6
Early Autumn 2018
- 5
Early Autumn 2018
- 11
Late Summer 2018
- 3
Mid Spring 2018
- 11
Early Autumn 2017
- 18
Early Autumn 2017
- 1
Early Autumn 2017
- 1
Mid Spring 2017
- 3

Acer palmatum
Early Autumn 2018
Early Autumn 2018

#foliagefriday #acer #maple The seed pods are as colorful as the foliage!🍁🍁🍁

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Wow. That’s cool! Never seen seed pods on this before ❤️

@rachelbrooks thank you peach! This one gets lots of seed pods every year! I believe they are sterile though, cuz I would have like a zillion of this one growing if not!😲😁💘😍

@columbiariver thaaaaank you!!😁💘😍
Early Autumn 2018

#acer #maple #signsofautumn you know the cold temps are just around the corner when your maples start turning and the rain sets in!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@gjones thanks and it is loaded down with them!💘😍

I've never had seeds on mine, did your flower 😊

@ShelleySnyder it’s that time of year❤️🍁❤️have you ever had any of the seeds grow? One of my green dissectums did and it’s about 6 inches tall now 🍁

@angiecrazycatlady no flowers Ange, just The seeds😁 as far as I know they don't actually flower 🤔 the seeds are very inconsistent as to the amount they produce, I believe that most of them are sterile because you couldn't possibly deadhead these there's way to many! If everyone produced a maple you would be pulling out thousands every year and that does not happen thank goodness!😁💘😍

@acermad yes fall is here!! I have had a few grow but I couldn't tell you which one cuz I have quite a few and there is quite a few around me and we know how far the wind can carry them!😁 But I have to say very few, I do have one that was a volunteer that came up for a friend and he dug it up and gave it to us when it was about 6" tall and it's been growing in a pot for about 15 or more years and it's about 6' tall now!😉💘😍

@cyndi thanks Cyn! I take it the seeds I sent you didn't take? Wouldn't surprise me cuz every year this one gets seeds and I've never had one start below it!🤔💘😍

Oh I thought to have seeds you had to have flowers first. 😊

Not on maples apparently, strange!🤔😁💘😍

@cyndi I don't think it was your fault at all!! If every seed pod from my maples started honestly I would be inundated with them! There's very few, so I think they are hard to start!😉💘😍
Late Summer 2018

#emoji-match 🍁🍁🍁 #maple #acer starting to show some fall colors I think, but it has a special trinket hanging from it courtesy of @columbiariver , thank you Laura!!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@columbiariver I have the same problem!😂😂💘😍
Mid Spring 2018

#upclose #acer #rain it's baaaack! Heaven forbid we have more than 3 days without rain!😠😢

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Whenever the rain seems too much, I remember how drought in August is. Thank God for free water!

@haleyt901 that's true, but for me we only have about 2 or 3 months that it doesn't rain, so it can sometimes get to you!😉💘😍

I'm collecting as much of this ☔💦 as I can!!! While I can! It is cold today! We will have a couple more cold night so everything is back inside!😒 @ShelleySnyder. Your maple is so nice❤💚

Oh true I forgot you are by my Baylee... Never mind, scratch that lol

@kimguy boy oh boy! Sometimes gardening is really a lot of work, isn't it!?💘😍

@haleyt901 where are you?💘😍

Yes but we do reap the rewards!!! @ShelleySnyder

@kimguy yep!! We do get rewarded!😄💘😍

@ShelleySnyder I’m in West Tennessee. But my oldest daughter lives on Whidby island
Early Autumn 2017

#acer #maple this baby is deep red in the summer and turns bright red in Fall! Love my maples!!😁

He sure is pretty❤️

@alysha thanks girl!!💘😍

Welcome!!!! ❤️

Great colour Shelley 😍

Very nice!!!!

@nancyanne thanks Nancy!!💘😍

I saw a brugmansia that was like yours the other day! At least 5ft tall, (from the road,) with so many flowers there was no counting. Lol, it was my first one Shelley, I almost drove off the road! 😂😂

I want one

@lesliecole49 you would love it! And really they are quite easy! If you're zone 9 or higher you can even leave it out through winter!💘😍

This is zone 6ish and it was in the ground.

They may be able to lift it easy cuz it sure won't make thru winter outside in zone 6 @ lesliecole49💘😍
Early Autumn 2017

#acer #maple #lichen the lichen is likin my maple!🤣
Early Autumn 2017

#acer #maple #afterrain after yesterday's rain
Mid Spring 2017

#acer morning all!(afternoon! Evening!) Another of my maples can't remember the name, had it in the brick planter for 10 years or so. She's a fickle gal! Some years she's twice this bushy !I guess this year she's having a bad hair summer!! 😁💘🍁🍁

Wooooooow me loves it.

Great color regardless of her fullness. 👏
#acer #maple #lichen I'm liken the way the lichen is liken the maple 😁
@hayleyaj 💘😍
@gjones it's the only little tuft of lichen in the whole tree!🤔😂💘😍
@gjones oh yes! My biggest maple is loaded with lichen! Lichen is a sign of healthyness!😁💘😍
Oooh I love a bit of lichen 😍
@angiecrazycatlady me too!😉💘😍