Early Summer 2022
- 19
Early Summer 2022
- 2
Early Autumn 2020
- 10
Early Autumn 2020
- 11
Late Summer 2020
- 9
Late Summer 2020
- 8
Late Summer 2020
- 23
Mid Summer 2020
- 21
Mid Summer 2020
- 11
Mid Summer 2020
- 15
Early Summer 2020
- 24
Early Summer 2020
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Late Spring 2020
- 17
Late Spring 2020
- 44
Early Autumn 2019
- 10
Early Autumn 2019
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Late Summer 2019
- 11
Late Summer 2019
- 5
Late Summer 2019
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Mid Summer 2019
- 11
Mid Summer 2019
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Early Summer 2019
- 21
Early Summer 2019
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Late Spring 2019
- 5
Late Spring 2019
- 4
Late Spring 2019
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Late Spring 2019
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Mid Spring 2019
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Mid Spring 2019
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Mid Spring 2019
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Mid Spring 2019
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Mid Spring 2019
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Early Spring 2019
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Early Spring 2019
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Early Spring 2019
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Early Spring 2019
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Early Spring 2019
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Early Spring 2019
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Early Autumn 2018
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Early Autumn 2018
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Early Autumn 2018
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Early Autumn 2018
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Early Autumn 2018
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Early Autumn 2018
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Early Autumn 2018
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Early Autumn 2018
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Late Summer 2018
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Late Summer 2018
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Late Summer 2018
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Mid Summer 2018
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Mid Summer 2018
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Mid Summer 2018
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Mid Summer 2018
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Mid Summer 2018
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Early Summer 2018
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Early Summer 2018
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Early Summer 2018
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Late Spring 2018
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Late Spring 2018
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Late Spring 2018
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Late Spring 2018
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Late Spring 2018
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Late Spring 2018
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Late Spring 2018
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Late Spring 2018
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Late Spring 2018
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Mid Spring 2018
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Mid Spring 2018
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Mid Spring 2018
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Early Summer 2018
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Mid Autumn 2017
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Late Summer 2017
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Late Summer 2017
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Late Summer 2017
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Late Summer 2017
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Late Summer 2017
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Late Summer 2017
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Mid Summer 2017
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Mid Summer 2017
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Mid Summer 2017
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Mid Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Late Spring 2017
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Solenostemon scutellarioides syn. Plectranthus scutellarioides, Coleus scutellarioides, Coleus blumei
Early Summer 2022
Early Summer 2022

#coleus #colorful #colorfulfoliage #favorite #bestofjuly gotta show off some of my coleus's!

I am glad you did. Very pretty 😍
Early Autumn 2020

#coleus #coleuscrazy #coleusaddict #upclose #upcloseandpersonal well I guess it's up close day!

@hayleyaj 💘😍


#brown #greatcolor

Looks like Dipped in Wine but with pink through the middle of of the leaves. What coleus is it ? Very beautiful by the way.

Yes, @ShelleySnyder do tell if you know the cultivar name!

@docthrill @emch shame on me! I usually don't keep the tags, I just buy the ones I like every summer and don't worry about the name, sorry! 🤦♀️💘😍

Love the colours of this one. So pretty. 😊💕❤️🍁🍁

@hkyfvr thanks I agree with you Diane!💘😍

Very welcome 😊💕🍁
Early Autumn 2020

#coleus #bestofseptember #upclose who doesn't think this is a beauty!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

I love it and I couldn’t find this species this year. I tried to find one and not too many great coleus in the nursery’s right now.

@docthrill thanks David! No not to many in nursery's now, around here you can't find nice ones in house plants section in winter!🤨💘😍

Love it!

@tinaaune thanks so much tina! 💘😍

Gorgeousness 😍😍😍. #foliage #leaves #multicoloredfoliage

@sherrisgarden thanks so much Sherri!💘😍

My pleasure #shellbell. 🤗😘

Captured it perfectly!

@mehul22 thanks very much!💘😍
Late Summer 2020

#coleus #yellowandred #coleuscrazy #bestofaugust I shaded this standing over it to take a picture, but this is bright as can be even in the sun!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Very nice. Autumn colouring. 😊💕

@hkyfvr thanks Diane!💘😍

You are welcome Shelley 💜

I like this one, looks like lovely 😊 I’ll be looking for one now, it won’t let me add it to my wishlist for some reason

Love the unusual leaf shape ❤️💛❤️

@docthrill thanks! It is a very showy coleus! Keep trying to add it, don't know why it wouldn't!💘😍

@pelly I love the leaf shape too!💘😍
Late Summer 2020

#coleus #bestofaugust #redandgreen #coleuscrazy just one of many!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@cyndi thanks!💘😍

You have the loveliest selection of Coleus. 💗🍁

@hkyfvr thank you so much Diane! I do love my coleus!💘😍

You are most welcome. 💜

So pretty!!😊💕

@terrimclaughlin thank you!💘😍
Late Summer 2020

#coleus #coleuscrazy #coleusaddict what a standout this one is!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Very pretty 😍

@sherrisgarden thanks Sherri! It's a good one!💘😍

What a beauty 💛💛❤💛💛

@london148 thank you Debra!💘😍

That’s stunning 💛❤️💛

@lovemygarden65 thank you! It's pretty showy alright!💘😍

@columbiariver you and me both!💘😍

@gjones thanks Katy!💘😍


@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom 😘🤗💘😍
Mid Summer 2020

#coleus #crazyforcoleus ain't she purdy!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Awwwww I miss my coleus. I forgot to move it in on a cold night this past winter and it didn’t survive. Yours is GORGEOUS!!!

We just got one of this type that’s why the wife wants what you have.

Perfection 👌🏻

Very purdy!

Its gorgeous, mine got eaten by slugs 😢

Just love coleus 💕

Sooooo pretty 😍😍

Gorgeous indeed Shelley. Hard to beat a nice coleus

@CC87 so sorry! Thank you crystal 💘😍

@docthrill coleus are truly one of my favorite plants! Who needs flowers with foliage like this!! In fact I cut off the flowers on my coleus!💘😍
Mid Summer 2020

#coleus #coleuscrazy #coleusaddict this one is a gorgeous #redandpink

I showed my wife now I got to get one

@hayleyaj 💘😍

But I like this one better

This one is so pretty love the shape of the leaves 😍

This is georgous , super colour 😍😍

@cyndi aww thanks hun!💘😍

@docthrill coleus are just the greatest and some of the easiest plants!! She'll love them!💘😍

@gjones isn't it! Thank you!💘😍

@angiecrazycatlady thanks! The leaves are a bit different shaped!💘😍

@london148 thanks a bunch Debra!💘😍
Mid Summer 2020

#coleus #coleusaddict #crazyforcoleus I guess that says it all!

This one too for the wife

@hayleyaj 💘😍

That sure is a neat looking coleus!!

Beautiful 😍

Oh gosh how beautiful is that one Shelley 👌😮

Wow , beautiful ❤💛

@cyndi thank you!!💘😍

@jmlincoln thanks!I agree Jackie!💘😍

@gjones it is! Thank you Katy!💘😍

@Keely thank you very much!💘😍
Early Summer 2020

#coleus #coleusaddict #coleusholic #redandgold you might be thinking this is my favorite summer plant and you'd be right!!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Oh my gosh! This is amazing Shelley!!

I do think it's your favorite summer plant but hey I can't blame you one bit!!! Wow it's beautiful!! 🍁🍃🍂🍁🍃🍂

Lovely colors! You? You don't have any addiction to coleus! "Hi. I'm Shelley and I have #coleus-itis!"

@jmlincoln thanks so much Jackie!💘😍

@jmlincoln thanks so much Jackie!💘😍

@suzieshadow1227gmailcom thanks! I just can't resist them!🤦💘😍

@KariSamuel exactly!🤷💘😍

Wow that's a beautiful one 🌺💘

I bought an arrangement with three different kinds of coleus earlier this spring and it has been one of my best growers and showers so far! This one is super pretty! I might be headed down the same road!

Stunning 😍
Early Summer 2020

#coleus #coleusaddict #coleusholic #autumncolors what more is there to say!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Oooooo!!!! I liiiiike!!! 😍🧡

Lovin the deep orange! 🧡🧡

@jmlincoln Thank you! It is so brilliant!💘😍

@suzieshadow1227gmailcom Thank you!💘😍

Wow, even I’d have that one 🧡🧡🧡

Wow! What a colour! 🔥


Gorgeous....I just love the burnt orange colour...

Gorgeous colour!! 🧡🧡🧡

@gjones thanks Katy!💘😍
Late Spring 2020

#coleus #coleuscrazy #coleusaddict #redandyellow so very gorgeous!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Oh yes! Love these 😍😍😍

@kez001uk thanks! I think they may draw a crowd!💘

Great colors.

@petitelake thanks Laura!💘😍

Omg love it 😍🔥

An absolute stunner Shelley 👌

@Keely thanks me too!💘😍

@italydiva Thank you Angela!💘😍

Love the colours on this one Shelley ❤️💛

@sabbanrula Thank you Rula!💘😍
Late Spring 2020

#coleus #colors #colorful #verigatedfoliage now I ask you , who doesn't love this foliage!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Very nice as usual !

Those colours are amazing!

@cyndi thanks Hun!💘😍

@docthrill thanks David!💘😍

@Soph1e Thank you so much Sophie!💘😍

How can you NOT love it?!

Me......because I want that at my house. Haha gorgeous Shelly. 🤩

@jmlincoln you can't!😂💘😍

@philstalder 😂 they are all mine!😄💘😍

I do! 😍
Early Autumn 2019

#coleus #favoriteplant #colorful I took this the other day and I better Post it now cuz last night we had a freeze and it's gone now!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@angiie thanks! Me too!💘😍

This is lovely Shelley 😍

That foliage is beautiful, shame it’s gone 😞😞

@gjones yes I do get new ones each year 💘😍

@jaynehynesburton thank you so much Jayne!💘😍

@pelly thanks! It's always sad to see the real pretty ones go!💘😍

Nooo 😢 frost is evil 😠

@columbiariver this is prettier in person!🤔 Glad you haven't gotten any frosts!💘😍
Early Autumn 2019

#coleus #coleuscrazy #coleusholic #verigation #verigatedfoliage what can I say!?🤷

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@cyndi like you!💘😍

@cyndi 😉💘😍

Wow that’s amazing 😍😍

Really love this one 😍

@suerichards Thank you Sue!💘😍

@kez001uk thanks Kerry! This is a real beauty!💘😍

@gjones thanks! It's pretty good sized 💘😍

Steroids! 😂❤🥰

Looks perfect!!😊💕

Late Summer 2019

#coleus #shadesofredandgreen so pretty!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Such incredible colouration!

@valjones-hughes I agree! Coleus is amazing!💘😍


@kez001uk 😘💘😍

Look at those markings 💗💚💗💚👌

👌🏼😄 beauty

@juliesgarden I know!💘😍

@richard.spicer.7906 thanks Richard!💘😍

@gjones Thank you Katy!😍
Late Summer 2019

#coleus #shadesofred #coleuscrazy what can I say!🤷

@hayleyaj 💘😍

They don’t need words do they 😍

@kez001uk some just don't!😉💘😍

@gjones Thank you so much Katy!💘😍
Late Summer 2019

#coleus love this one!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Fabulous colours 😍😍

🔥 ❤️ such gorgeous colors

Snazzy 💕❤️💕

You know I love em! And this one is a real looker! 😍

I agree. It's a real beauty 👌🤩

Fabulous 😍

@cyndi @pelly @ladeebug @rachelbrooks @hayleyaj @jeatacake @suerichards @columbiariver thank you each and everyone of you!💘😍

@gjones it does Thank you!💘😍
Mid Summer 2019

#coleus #colorfulfoliage #incrediblecolors I truly do love my coleus!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Beautiful Shelly, mine is being eaten alive!

@valjones-hughes Thank you! Oh dear! I don't seem to have a problem with mine, Thank goodness!💘😍

Fabulous 😍😍

@juliesgarden thanks julie! 💘😍

Love your Coleus collection ❤️😍 xx

@vonnylovesolly Thank you so very much Vonny!💘😍

So welcome ❤️😘 xx

That’s really pretty

@suerichards thanks! I'm with you there!💘😍
Mid Summer 2019

#coleus I think these two just look fantastic together!

@hayleyaj 😍💘

@cyndi they really do! From a distance you can see the bottom of the light colored one and it's a red shade!💘😍

They look sooo bright!! What a great combo 👍🏻🤗😊💕

@terrimclaughlin thanks! They are very bright! Brighter than they look in this pic!💘😍

@cyndi exactly!💘😍

Oh. My. Eyes!!! 😍❤️🧡💛😍

Wowser !!

@kez001uk they didn't fall out did they!?😂💘😍

@ladeebug thanks sweet Dee!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder very nearly! I do love the combinations you put together 😍

@kez001uk thanks! You're sweet!💘😍
Early Summer 2019

#coleus #coleusaddict #coleuscrazy one of my favorites!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Wow just gawjus, couple of mine have rotted due to all the rain we had 😢

A hot pot! 😍

Spectacular Shelley @ShelleySnyder 😍👌😘

Wow thats big Shelley it’s lovely🤗

@Keely thanks! Sorry to hear that Keely!🤨💘😍

@cyndi thanks Hun!💘😍

@gjones Thank you! It actually looks more colorful in person!💘😍

@hayleyaj 🔥🔥🔥💘😍

@jadojado29 Thank you Suzie!💘😍

@godfreye thanks so much Enid!💘😍
Early Summer 2019

#coleus #coleusaddict guess what these are!🤔

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Oh even I like that one Shelley, great colours ❤️🧡💛

Morning Shelley @ShelleySnyder Lovely coleus 😍 but I’m trying to guess whose foot that belongs to 🤔😂😘

Love the the leaf edges and gorgeous color ‼️❤️

@gjones thanks! Coleus are so varied in color and leaf form!💘😍

@pelly thanks Jane! Glad you do!💘😍

@jadojado29 Hi Suzie 🙋! Thanks! That funny looking little foot 😂 belongs to one of my pygmy warriors that's guarding the realm!🤣💘😍

@ladeebug thank you sweet Dee!💘😍

@columbiariver thanks neighbs!💘😍

@cyndi 😂😂 thanks!💘😍

Stunning colours 😍
Late Spring 2019

#coleus #coleuscrazy I got more but I won't post anymore today!🤦

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@gjones it is a bright one!💘😍

I really like these. I love colorful foilage!!😊💕

@terrimclaughlin thanks Terri!💘😍
Late Spring 2019

#coleus #coleuscrazy 🤷

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@columbiariver thanks so much my friend!💘😍

@gjones thanks Katy!💘😍
Late Spring 2019

#coleus #coleuscrazy yeah, I'm kinda coleus crazy!🤪

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@columbiariver 🤗💘😍

Now you know I’m not much of a fan but those colours are sensational and I would have that in my garden definitely 💚❤️

@pelly I did not know that you didn't like coleus!🤔🤦 Glad you like this one!💘😍

I love coleus!

@michele13knots me too! Scroll and you will understand!😳🤪💘😍

I’ve seen some two-toned blue coleus for sale on Amazon!! But I’ve seen colored Petunias even change so I’m thinking the blue might too. I still wouldn’t mind trying it. Have a good one Shelley!!🤗🤗😊💕

@terrimclaughlin I don't know if I would believe a blue coleus, I've never seen one! I'd be thinking they touched up the picture! But if they are cheap take a chance!💘😍
Late Spring 2019

#colorcombo #coleus I really like these two together

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Gorgeous colours together Shelley @ShelleySnyder 😍😘

@jadojado29 Thank you Suzie!💘😍

Wow great colours Shelley! 😍

@natii thanks Nat!💘😍

They look fab together

Me too! 💛❤️💛

@vec thanks so much Julie!💘😍

@rachelbrooks I'm glad peach!💘😍

@gjones thanks Katy!💘😍

Absolutely beautiful Shelley 😍
Mid Spring 2019

#coleus just another gorgeous coleus!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Super colours in this one 👌

@jeatacake thanks Jeff!💘😍

Always very welcome 👍

@gjones thanks! It's much prettier in person!💘😍
Mid Spring 2019

#coleus #walterturner he's a handsome devil!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

I'm loving the coleus!

@littlemorningglory thanks Gracie! If you like coleus go to my plant list and check out some I've had, they are totally outrageous!💘😍

All fab coleus Shelley!😍

@hayleyaj aww thanks Hayley! You know me and coleus! Truly one of my favorite plants!💘😍

You have just the best coleuses 👍😍👌

@jeatacake aww thanks Jeff!💘😍

Very welcome 😊
Mid Spring 2019

#coleus #sunsetboulevard I just love this orange!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

That’s really lovely 😋 more muted than a lot of coleus 😍

@kez001uk thanks! In this pic it looks somewhat muted but it's brighter than this looks 💘😍

@ShelleySnyder it’s gorgeous no matter what 😍

@kez001uk it is pretty, I have in in a combo pot that I'll post soon🤗💘😍

@ShelleySnyder looking forward to seeing it 😛

Fabulous colours 👌🧡🧡🥰

@suerichards thanks Sue!💘😍
Mid Spring 2019

#coleus #pinkplosion pretty?

@hayleyaj 💘😍
Mid Spring 2019

#coleus #spicedcurry another crazy coleus with a crazy name!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

He’s a unique one but very nice 😍

@kez001uk Thank you!💘😍

That is unusual Shelley 😍😍

I love this one 😍

@pelly unusual like me Jane!🤷💘😍

@carolgs thanks Carol!💘😍

Unusual is good Shelley 😍😍

@pelly some don't think so!🤣🤣💘😍

I do!! Sod them 😂😂😂

@pelly 🤣🤣💘😍
Early Spring 2019

#foliagefriday #coleus #mainstreetalligatoralley what can I say!🤷

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Gorgeous ❤️💚❤️

@lovemygarden65 Thank you!💘😍

Fabulous ❤️💚

@juliesgarden thank you julie!💘😍

@gjones thanks Katy!💘😍
Early Spring 2019

#foliagefriday #coleus #spicedcurry-coleus and yet another one!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@cyndi thanks! Yeah coleus are not an ugly plant!😂💘😍

Love that Sparkly! And the Latin name just rolls off the tongue! 👅🤣

@rachelbrooks thanks peach!💘😍

Love these type 😍👍💕

@jeatacake thanks! Me too!💘😍

Oh wow 😲😍

@juliesgarden I know!👍💘😍
Early Spring 2019

#coleus #mintmocha ooooooh another good one!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Fabulous 👌

@jeatacake thanks Jeff!!💘😍

Most welcome Shelley 💕👍

@columbiariver yep!! And I got more!🤫💘😍
Early Spring 2019

#red #coleus #heartbreaker now how could this be a heart breaker!🤔 Who cares I love it!!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Stunning!!!! 😁💖💚💖💚💖

@anges Thank you!💘😍

Gawjus love the colours

@Keely thanks Keely!💘😍

@cyndi thanks Cyn!💘😍

Fabulous colours 💖

@lovemygarden65 isn't it though Marilyn!💘😍

Oh oh 😍😍😍 so lovely!

@kez001uk thanks Kerry!💘😍

Evening Shelley @ShelleySnyder That’s Fabulous Love it 😍😘
Early Spring 2019

#coleus #specialeffects in person this is really some kind of special effects!!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@cyndi it really is a wow, I wish the camera would capture it!💘😍

I love that coleus !

@ladeebug thanks! If you could see it in person you'd really love it Dee!💘😍

If I'd seen it in person it would be coming home with me too

@ladeebug I think so! When I spotted it I about broke my neck getting to it!😂😂💘😍

Beautiful! Would love to find one of these this summer! 😍💕

@cpl721 keep your eye 👁️ for it! You'll love it!💘😍

They are all gorgeous Shelley 😍

@hayleyaj thanks Hayley!💘😍

@columbiariver it is and I expect it to only get better!!🤗💘😍
Early Spring 2019

#coleus #inferno what a color!!😳👀

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@cyndi thanks! It's very different!🙂💘😍

Oh now that is my kinda color!! 😍😍I'll be on the lookout for that one!

@tinaaune isn't it cool!!🙂💘😍

Wow, I love this one too!💖😍💕

@cpl721 me too Donna!💘😍

I’m not much of a coleus fan, but that colour is amazing Shelley 😍😍

WoW fabulous 😍😍

Gorgeous colour 😍

@gjones isn't this on rather unique!💘😍

@pelly coleus are one of my favorites! Can't beat them for color and leaf shape! I can't resist them!🤪💘😍
Early Autumn 2018

#coleus #coleuscrazy just a few coleus, sorry not sorry!😜

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Partner, you are making me crazy!!!😋

@kimguy 😂 me makin you crazy!😂💘😍

@cyndi thanks Cyn!💘😍

I’m loving coleus more and more. The colours are amazing!

@rachelbrooks it's an amazing plant peach!!💘😍

Sure is Sparkly Shelley. Had my first one this year...can see that multiplying next year! 🙊😉

@rachelbrooks 👍👍😄💘😍

Wow fantastic Shelley 💕💕

@juliesgarden thank you julie!💘😍

Evening Shelley @ShelleySnyder Fabulous 😍 I definitely going to grow more of these next year 👌👍😘
Early Autumn 2018

#coleus #upclose #pink a bit blurry, The wind was blowing! This will be gone soon enough!🙁

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Beautiful color. ❤️

Amazing colours 💖

@lovestogarden thanks Janice!💘😍

@suerichards Thank you much Sue!💘😍

Fantastic colours!

@Soph1e Thank you Sophie!💘😍

@gjones yes it has Katy!😁💘😍

@columbiariver thanks! This is the one you took a pic of when you were here!💘😍

@columbiariver oh yes it will until a hard freeze!😉💘😍

That bottom leaf in the top cluster...I need a dress in that pattern! How gorgeous is that?! 💕💚
Early Autumn 2018

#coleus #upclose still looking good but our nights are getting colder and colder

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Beautiful 💖

@suerichards thanks Sue!💘😍

@columbiariver ain't it purdy!😁💘😍

So pretty, I've developed quite a liking for coleus tbis year. Into the 40s at night here now, I've started bring the more tender plants in. 😐

@lesliecole49 I think coleus is such a fabulous plant, they truly are one of my favorites! We were down into the 30's last night!😲 But everything looks ok😁 I have brought in some plants already though 💘😍
Early Autumn 2018

#coleus #foliage-a-holic how's this color! It really is amazing!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Wowsers that's an eyegasm right there 💜💕💜

@daisy-jane 😳🤣🤣🤣 thank you !!💘😍

@columbiariver thanks! I think the cooler weather intensified it!💘😍


@kez001uk 😚💘😍


@gjones thanks Katy!💘😍

@lesliecole49 thank you!💘😍

Never seen one like that wow!

@alan1111 Thank you Alan!💘😍
Early Autumn 2018

#coleus #coleus-rodeodrive look @haleyt901 she's a doin good! Still pretty small but it did start to flower! thanks!!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Lovely #colors. #foliage

@lovestogarden thanks Janice!💘😍

Yes!! Hopefully you can get some seeds off her. If not, i know where u can get some 😘

Absolutely gorgeous!

@kimguy thanks partner!💘😍

Welcome partner! 😎💜

@kimguy email me an address, and I can hook you up with some seeds. I have never harvested coleus seeds, but it’s only a 50 cent stamp to give it a try

@kimguy haleyt901@gmail.com
Early Autumn 2018

#favoritefoliage much to hard to pick just one!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@gjones thanks! It's only 9 of about 24!😂😂💘😍


Gorgeous riot of colour!

@valjones-hughes Thank you Val!💘😍

Top and bottom left for me 😍👍

Wow #coleusqueen loving all these 😍😍😍

What a great selection! 😍

Fab collection 😍

Lordy lordy.

@pelly 👍👍😉💘😍
Early Autumn 2018

#foliagefriday #coleus #coleuscrazy what needs to be said? I mean look at this!!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

That's a beauty 💗💛💚💜

@Keely thanks! It really is a stunning color!💘😍

Absolutely beautiful ❤💚💜💛

@pelly Thank you!💘😍

Glorious! 💚💕💜

@gjones thanks Katy!💘😍

Beautiful indeed

@rachelbrooks thanks so much!💘😍

@lesliecole49 thanks Leslie!💘😍

I’m lost for words! Fabulous Shelley 😍
Early Autumn 2018

#foliagefriday #coleus #coleuscrazy what can I say!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Beautiful colours ❤️😍

@suerichards thank you! Isn't it tho, very different!💘😍

Amazing colours 😍

@hayleyaj thanks Hayley!😁💘😍

You have some fabulous ones Shelley 💕💚

Wow lovin it

@rachelbrooks thanks Rach! I do love my coleus!💘😍

@lesliecole49 thanks!💘😍

What do you do with them over winter Shelley?

@rachelbrooks oh shame on me Rach! I just leave them outside to die off and buy new ones in the spring 🙁 but that's because I don't have the room for two dozen or more plants and they mostly turn a sickly looking green and it takes forever (if at all) for them to turn back to there beautiful colors! I know this from experience, besides I have to keep my favorite nurseries in business!😂😉💘😍
Late Summer 2018

#coleus #coleuscrazy she's a real purdy one!!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

What a colour 😮💜💗

@kez001uk thanks! Isn't it gorgeous tho!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder stunning! Not seen anything quite like it 😍

@kez001uk actually this isn't showing the true colors, it's almost a black red with a deep pinkish red center, the post of my patio you can see it bottom left below the Angels trumpet and it's darker in that photo!🤔😁💘😍

Wow it looks so different in the other photo! But it’s gorgeous in both 😍😍

@kez001uk when I went back and looked at it, it looks kinda rusty colored! Oh brother!! Neither one is the right color!😂😂🤔💘😍

@gjones Thank you Katy!💘😍

@columbiariver 😂 you been readin!😁 Thank you!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder colour-changing coleus 😉😉

Stunning colour!! 💕
Late Summer 2018

#coleus a whole lot of coleus goin on here! Hope everyone has a superb Saturday!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

That's a fine display my crazy coleus sister! 😍👏✌💚

Gorgeous ♥️♥️♥️

@tinaaune why thank ya my crazy plant sista!😂👍💘😍

@matewe thanks Cori!💘😍

Gawjus colours 😍

@Keely thanks!!💘😍

Coleus heaven 😍😍😍

@jeatacake yep! Last count I have 24 (I think!) Every time I count I seem to find another one!😂😂💘😍

Fan flipping tastic Shelley 😍

@juliesgarden 😂😂 well thank ya ma'am!💘😍
Late Summer 2018

#pink #coleus this one is a vibrant pink! So showy!

@hayleyaj 💘😍


@ShelleySnyder Gorgeous 💖

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@anges thank you very much Ange!💘😍

Is this pink poodle or which one @ShelleySnyder

@tinaaune 😢 why are you asking me something I don't know!😢😂 I couldn't tell you for sure except I don't think it was called that because I think I would have remembered a name like that (maybe!🤔😂) Sorry! I'm really bad for just getting what I like and just discarding the tags!😕💘😍

No worries @ShelleySnyder I'm just always in the lookout for what people are growing for the greenhouse business side of things😘

@tinaaune maybe I should keep the tags and then I could give you a list!🤔💘😍

Just WOW 🌸🌸🌸

@pelly aww thank you!💘😍
Mid Summer 2018

#coleus yes! I'm afraid it is another coleus sorry! Not sorry! Hehehehe!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@gjones thanks! You're right!💘😍

@cyndi thanks cyn!💘😍

Wonderful colours 😍

@angiecrazycatlady thanks Angie!💘😍

@columbiariver thanks! Isn't it!💘😍

Stunning photo 😍

@suerichards thank you Sue!💘😍

I just got my first coleus last week, I love it, maybe your coleus addiction has spread all the way to Scotland😂😍👍

@leno that's great!! How's it going? Do post it! Careful now it's pretty easy to get addicted!😂😉💘😍
Mid Summer 2018

#foliagefriday #coleus just one of more than two dozen that I have

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Gorgeous Love the colours Shelley @ShelleySnyder 😍😘

@jadojado29 thanks! This one is sort of an unusual color I love it!😂💘😍

Oh stunning! Post me a cutting Shelley! 😂😂😍😍

@hayleyaj if only I could!😢😂💘😍

That is stunning!!!

That one has such pretty bright colors 😊💕

@kez001uk Thank you Kerry!💘😍

@terrimclaughlin isn't it tho!💘😍


@juliesgarden 😂 thanks Julie!💘😍
Mid Summer 2018

#coleus #gtgifts @haleyt901 Haley, Thank you Thank you!! This one did make it! I've been babying it but I think it's fine now!💘😍

@hayleyaj 💘😍

That's a lovely one too 💚

I really like that one Shelley🤗

@hayleyaj Thank you! It's called rodeo drive 💘😍

@godfreye thanks Enid! I really like it too!💘😍

Lovely. There are so many beautiful coleus that I've encountered this year Shelley. This is my first year of using them and it won't be the last 😘

@vec I am crazy bout coleus! Talk about tropical looking, a must for you! I have over 20 different ones!😉💘😍

@ShelleySnyder that’s beautiful 😉

@suerichards thanks Sue!💘😍

@cyndi thanks!💘😍

That’s a lovely one 💚
Mid Summer 2018

#foliagefriday #coleuscrazy ain't she a purdy one!!😁

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Oh she sure is Shelley! 😍

@hayleyaj thanks! It's a very small one !😁💘😍

But perfectly formed! 😂

Beautiful colours 💖💛

Beautiful 💓

@suerichards @Keely Thank you so much ladies!!💘😍

@gjones thanks Katy!💘😍

😍😍😍 that's one I've never seen before beautiful @ShelleySnyder

@cazz47 I had never seen it before this year either, it's a lot more yellow with the red veining in person, I don't know why that didn't show up!💘😍
Mid Summer 2018

#coleus @columbiariver took this picture when she was here and the color shows up fab!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@gjones thanks Katy! It is very eye catching!💘😍

That's gorgeous Shelley 💕💚💕

@pelly thank you much!💘😍

Loving this one striking 💕💚💕💚

Such fabulous colour 💕💚

Wow fabulous 👌😍😍

@Keely thanks Keely!💘😍

@hayleyaj isn't it tho!😉💘😍

@juliesgarden Thank you Julie!💘😍

Wow fabulous foliage Shelley! 🤗💗💕👌
Early Summer 2018

#coleuscrazy #pink pretty in Pink!!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@columbiariver yes ma'am! She is bright!💘😍

Oooh, oooh, oooh pinky tuscadaro!

@kimguy HEEEY!!💗💘😍

Love that one!!! I have a different type of coleus. Do they all grow slow?? I brought this little one back from Florida and it’s only made on new leaf?? You have some great color in your yard matter of fact your yard is looking pretty darn good this year my friend 🤗🤗👍🏻😄👌😊💕

@terrimclaughlin Thank you my friend! They do grow at different rates, this one is one of my slower growers 💘😍

👍👍 @ShelleySnyder

@gjones @cyndi @kimguy Thank you ladies!! She looks just like that in person!!😲💘😍

@cyndi I know! Isn't it! The last time I took a pic it looked so washed out I was dissapointed, this has been vivid like this from day one! So when this one came out looking like it actually looks I was thrilled!😁💘😍

Good choice! @ShelleySnyder

@cyndi your right my phone is better than the old one , but I've had this a year now!😲 So it wasn't the phone on this one!😂😂💘😍
Early Summer 2018

#coleuscrazy 🎶🎵 isn't she lovely 🎶🎵 isn't she wonderful 🎶🎵

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Oh baby😍

@kimguy oh yeeees!💘😍

Like I always say “I’m going to find some very cool sh.. on Shelley’s site!!!!!😊💕

@terrimclaughlin isn't this a real stunner!?💘😍

@gjones 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵💘😍

Now I’m going to b humming that song!! It’s Stevie Wonders song isn’t it! Silly Shelley.....always brightens my day! But, yes this one is definitely a looker👍🏻👌🤗😊💕

@terrimclaughlin so glad I got it stuck in your head! Hehehehe!😛😉💘😍

@cyndi thanks Cyn!!💘😍

😲😲 Wow

@jaynehynesburton it actually looks better in person believe it or not!😁💘😍
Early Summer 2018

#coleus @haleyt901 here is the one I have that comes the closest to your rodeo drive, mine has a lot more dark on it

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Yea @ShelleySnyder it’s close, but I would say mine stands out as green more than the purple. But I do like this one too

Very similar to mine

Nice! 😁

@hayleyaj thanks!💘😍

Some great coleuses over there. These are gorgeous 👌

@jeatacake thank ya Jeff!!😉💘😍
Late Spring 2018

#coleus #coleusaddict just two more of my coleus, 2of19!😲

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@cyndi I see that! I don't know what's wrong with me! I may have to remedy that!😂😂💘😍

You tell her @cyndi very good eye catching that cyndi lol😊💕

@cyndi maybe!💘😍

More coleus? 😂

@KariSamuel got 19 different ones!😲😂💘😍

Number 20?

@KariSamuel no these are included in the 19 😂💘😍

Never a dull conversation when I come to this site🤣😂😅👍🏻😊💕
Late Spring 2018

#coleus this picture does not show how spectacular this foliage looks! I don't know why! It's called special effects and boy is it stunning! I hope at some point the camera captures the colors!🤔😁

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Yet another amazing coleus! 👌😍👍❤💚💜

@columbiariver I know! What a shame to!😢💘😍

@jeatacake I sure hope at some point the colors show how amazing it really is!!💘😍

What? You mean they're not amazing enough already Shelley? 😁

@jeatacake this photo does not show how vivid is! Honestly!💘😍

@cyndi thanks Cyn!💘😍
Late Spring 2018

#coleus #marrakesh new coleus! WOOHOO!! Never seen this one before! On the tag it's mostly redish with a yellow border, hmmm, looks quite the opposite to me 🤔😁

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Wow! Very unusual but gorgeous nonetheless 💛❤️

@kez001uk that's what I thought!😁💘😍

@columbiariver thank you!!💘😍

Love it 😍

Oh my you pick up some fabulous colours in these this is gawjus 💛🌸💛🌸😍

Never seen a coleus like that before. Amazing! 😍👌

@hayleyaj thanks Hayley! Me too!💘😍

@Keely this one was spotted from quite a ways away!😁💘😍

@jeatacake me either Jeff! That's why I had to have it!💘😍

Shelley - This is it?!?
Late Spring 2018

#coleus #oddcolor very odd color but of course I like it! That's the way I roll!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Little stars 🌟

@suerichards doesn't it make you think of a brownish colored night sky petunia? It does me!😁💘😍

Chocolate mint, I have one. Love it.

@ripjuju thanks! I never pay attention to the tags so most I don't remember the name!😁💘😍

I love these flowers

@Puccipalace Thank you Tamara! Aren't they just too cool!?💘😍

Yes @ShelleySnyder. If I'm not mistaken there is at least 1 variation in each of my pots.

@Puccipalace 👍 I'm a coleus addict myself!😂💘😍

I wondered where my seedlings had gone but found the packet of seed unopened so guessing I forgot to sow them😔

@carolgs it might not be too late I think they may start fairly fast!🤔💘😍
Late Spring 2018

#coleus #oneofmyfavorites I adore this one with it's veriation and leaf shape!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Beautiful colours 😍

@suerichards thanks!!💘😍

So pretty! I love both the leaf shape and color.

@jade_dragon71 thanks Melanie! I do too!!💘😍

Love this one just potted up a pot today myself all babies done from seed hope they look good together in one pot 😍

@Keely thanks Keely! Oh yes ! They will look good! Can't go wrong with coleus!😉💘😍

Those are really bright red how pretty, loads of color. Your so good with putting them together. They all look nice😊💕

@terrimclaughlin thanks Terri! I can't take credit for putting anything together on this cuz there is 3 of all the same coleus in this pot!💘😍

Super #foliage

@brightcolours Thank you Katie!💘😍
Late Spring 2018

#coleus pretty in Pink! Looks good enough to eat!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Brilliant colour!

@Soph1e thank you! It's quite a bright pink💘😍

Wow 💕💚💕💚

@Keely thanks so much!💘😍

Gorgeous 😍

@greenfinger14 thanks Mel!💘😍
Late Spring 2018

#coleus #tiltawhirl this is also tiltawhirl but they don't look quite the same do they!?🤔

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@ShelleySnyder same colours, leaf shape looks different. Beautiful autum tones. Although it is late Spring where you are. 😊🙃

Just loving your coleuses 😍

@Annettenoosa exactly! That's why I posted it cuz it is the same colors but the foliage isn't twisted like the other!🤔 Yes it is late spring here💘😍

@jeatacake thanks so much Jeff!💘😍
Late Spring 2018

#coleus #tiltawhirl any one up for a ride on the tilt-a-whirl!?😜

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@ShelleySnyder that’s beautiful 💕

@suerichards thanks so much Sue!💘😍

I love the shapes of the leaf on these varieties don't seem to see them over here 😍😍

That’s lovely, I’m not normally a big fan of Coleus but I’d definitely have these in my garden 😍😍

@ShelleySnyder We call it a ‘Waltzer’ in the UK. 😊🙏🏼👍🏼

Lovely! 😍

Ooh that's lovely and so unusual 😊

This is fun! So unique!!

@pelly thanks Jane! 💘😍

@pixierose how fun I have a tiltawhirl waltzer!💘😍
Late Spring 2018

#collage #coleus #coleusaddict just some of my coleus, Yes I have many more!😲😜

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Omg love these 😍😍😍

I nearly bought one of these today in a supermarket for just £2. Think I might regret it. Not that I have anywhere to put it! 😬🤷♀️😊

@columbiariver ooooooh!! There's that queen thing!😂💘😍

@Keely thanks Keely! Me too!💘😍

@bluefox23 oh you might be sorry! Coleus is so easy and colorful!💘😍

I might go back tomorrow. If they're still there, I'll get one. If not, then so be it! 😬😂

@bluefox23 good luck! Hope they are still there!😁💘😍

Wow they are amazing 😍💖

Who's the twisty one in the center? #coleuscrazy I also have the sickness😋

Serious Coleus envy! 😮😮😍😍
Mid Spring 2018

#coleus #coleusaddict @miwa here is my coleus like yours, I have 4 Kong's in this pot, including the one like yours! You made me count how many I have!😂 At this point I have 19 different ones, but if I come across anymore that I like chances are I would get it! I pretty much have no will when it comes to them! 😂😂

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Wow yours are huge mine is just like a plug 😍

@suerichards I got lucky when I found these! Sense I got them all I've seen are little scroungy ones!😂😉💘😍

I too good a few of these beauties. They add such nice color. I have to really watch mine as the need more water than I usually give everything. ❤ #foliage

@lovestogarden I think coleus is a real bang for your buck! All but the Kong can grow in the sun and with the colors they come in who needs flowers! Crazy for coleus!!💘😍

@columbiariver the color pattern on that one is quite something isn't it!?💘😍

50 coleus!!?😲 You might be crazier than me!😂💘😍

Oh love them! I would love a Kong, liked for one last year so may try again next. I grew all mine from seed last year so may see if I can seeds for next year 😁

They do seem to be easy to grow from seed!💘😍

You have 19kind of coleus!! I'm surprised hear that and there is another person who is more big addict!!😲😲 I also think that coleus is very attractive💚❤️

@miwa yep! I'm definitely coleus crazy!!😂😂💘😍
Mid Spring 2018

#coleusaddict. @miwa this is the coleus that was in the pic with the calla, I believe @jeatacake asked about it to, ain't this amazing!?

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Thanks Shelley😘😘 below is my note so plaese ignore #miwa-wannabuy 摩天楼

@miwa you are so welcome my friend! What did your note say, if I may ask?💘😍

@ShelleySynder... what a beauty...👍😁❤️

sory bothering you🙇 similar one your this pic as coleus'摩天楼-matenrou' in Japan. 摩天楼 mean skyscrapar and tha city that there are many of them like New York🇺🇸

@nancyanne thank you Nancy!💘😍

@miwa you are never bothering me! I love to communicate with other gardeners like yourself! Don't hesitate to ask or say anything my friend!!💘😍


@kimguy 💘💘😍😍

What a relief and I'm glad to hear that😄😄thanks Shelley💛 I bought a coleus right now🤣

Love Coleus ❤️💚💛
Mid Spring 2018

#coleus look at this beauty! It's called golden gate, it's in the stained glassworks series

@gjones thanks! I think so!💘😍

I got a few a couple days ago that I've yet to post. Wal-Mart, probly don't have names. 🙃

@lesliecole49 😂😂😂 I run across that all the time! Make up a name you think fits!😂😂💘😍

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@cyndi thanks cyn!💘😍

Oh wow that's a beauty 😍

Such a beauty 😍

@Keely thanks!💘😍

@hayleyaj isn't it tho!💘😍
Early Summer 2018

#dreamingofmycoleus just closing my eyes and dreaming of my coleus. I always dream in color!

They look wonderful 💕

@suerichards thanks sue! I think I'm addicted!🤣💘😍

@columbiariver yes you need more more more! They are so easy easy easy!🤣💘😍

The wasabi is my favorite. 😉

@jennlamaye the hubs spends his whole coleus hunt looking for wasabi! Once he finds it he's fine!🤔🤣💘😍

@ShelleySnyder it looks like that is the one variety I managed to overwinter this year.

@ShelleySnyder you’re not that far from me! When the weather improves I bet cuttings would survive shipping your way. ❤️😉

@jennlamaye where do you live? That would make the hubs on cloud nine! How nice of you!!💘😍

Southern Oregon @ShelleySnyder assuming priority mail would actually get there in two to three days without delay. Our mail always gets routed north before heading out. Which is why I always get nervous when live plants are sent my way. It adds days to receive anything. But given how many I have going right now, I expect I’d have some plants and cuttings available in spring. I looked for this one every year too, so I relate! 💕

I’m supposedly growing a mix of coleus seeds, but it looks like only two kinds right now. Lol. Last year the “mix” was all the same kind. 😏 So I made sure to get cuttings of everything. I lost a lot to root rot. I don’t know why. Happened last year too. But the wasabi is holding strong. Which makes me happy since it was my favorite. I have a frilly one like wasabi but with red. Not sure if it’ll make it, but it’s pretty.

@jennlamaye the mail is crazy I know! But priority is supposed to be 2to3days!🤔 What part of southern Oregon are you?💘😍
Mid Autumn 2017

#coleus won't be long for these either!😞😢

Sad days ahead 😫

😩, so pretty 💕

Shelley, could you take cuttings or keep these in pots and grow them inside over winter?

@lovestogarden yes you could! They are very easy to root in water! But what I have found (at least for me) is that they all turn to a sickly green color (get very leggy) then come time to put them back out they don't turn back to there gorgeous colors😢 I think it's lack of sun here, so I gave up long ago.💘😍

@juliesgarden thanks!!💘😍

@Keely yes! Sad😢

They’re so pretty Shelley..yeah it’s nearly time to bring everything tender in for the dreaded winter..so depressing! 😪😍💚❤️

@mich yes depressing!!😢💘😍

Thank you for the info! I have been trying these and wondered about winter. I am going to leave mine out and see if they can take it. ❤

Mine were gone two weeks ago. 😞

@lovestogarden it’s easiest to take a couple clippings to overwinter.... if you go under 35 degrees they’re pretty much done for.
Late Summer 2017

#coleus #upclose one of many of my coleus

Cuz ur #coleuscrazy

@bpetty55 👍👍👍😘

Love all your coleus @ShelleySnyder ! The addiction life is a hard one. Lol!

@camilio81 SO HARD!! Especially when you can't find all the coleus you want!!🤣🤣🤣 This year believe it or not I didn't have as many as I usually do! Insanity I know!🤣🤣🤣💘😍

This year was my first ever to grow coleus. I'm totally hooked and have big plans to put them all over my yard and under my trees in the spring. That's why I'm hoarding all these different varieties now. I'm truly an addict! They may even end up in my classroom at school. @ShelleySnyder

@camilio81 remember they can all take sun except for the Kong's, in fact you will have much much better color in the sun. And just so you know when they bloom if you don't take the flower off it won't grow much taller, just sayin, I always take the flowers off, I think they distract, but that's just me.💘😍

@ShelleySnyder I'm not sure which one is a Kong. But I'll find out! I let the ones in my yard flower so that I could harvest seeds, but when I plant them in pots for the house, I'll pinch off the flowers.

@camilio81 that's a good idea about seeds! If you're coleus don't happened to be taged(which of course they should be) the Kong's have leaves that are usually twice the size of most of your other coleus. Once you've seen a Kong it's pretty easy to spot one after that 😁 next spring check at the nursery's you go to one of them 😍should have one of the Kong's 💘😍

I actually think I bought a Kong from what you describe. I have one with huge leaves! @ShelleySnyder

@camilio81 does the leaf have a some what oval shape of coloring in the center or the leaf? Can you post a pic and tag me?

@ShelleySnyder I will post a picture I have 2 that say they are Kong. They were very rootbound out of the original pots. Just planted them in bigger pots today.
Late Summer 2017

#coleus #upclose purdy huh?

Very purdy!


Great colours 😍

Very pretty!

Lovely color.
Late Summer 2017

#coleus #coleuscrazy GOOD MORNING TO ALL MY GT FRIENDS!! HAPPY SATURDAY TO ALL!! Hope everyone is well and safe!!

@ShelleySnyder what app do you use to make such cool collages like this?

@FieryJude I use one called quick grid, check it out it's pretty cool!!👍💘😍

A late evening from me and Morning Shelley loving the coleus 😍
Late Summer 2017

#coleus to anyone who wants to know about@acetaker her hubs says rough surgery but doing fine now! She has a fabulous hubs to take care of her!! Will keep y'all updated!


Aw was wondering if she was in for surgery,thank you for the update Shelley 😘

@ShelleySnyder - Yes, thanks for keeping us posted! 🌴🌺🐾

Wow, these are beautiful. even tho I pinched mine regularly, they still got leggy. They're a little more 'airy' now

Thanks Shelley pass on our love for her 😃

@Keely will do!! I'm still waiting to hear anymore, I don't imagine she's wanting to get on gts and do a bunch of posting, considering you have use your hand! Have a great day!!💘😍
Late Summer 2017

#coleus #collage GOOD MORNING TO ALL MY GT FRIENDS!! HAPPY MONDAY AND LABOR DAY TO ALL!! gonna be another hot one today how's your day gona be!?

#coleuscrazy 😉

@columbiariver great!!! Coleus is one of the easiest plants there is !! Yes I'm coleus crazy @jennlamaye !!😁😁💘😍

Me too me too 😁

@jennlamaye my kind of woman!!💘😍

Morning/evening Shelley some fabulous colours there 😍

Amazing collection Shelley! A couple of those are on my list for next year 😍😍

Good afternoon, Shelley. They look gorgeous!

Late Summer 2017

#tooeasytuesday #coleus what can you say about coleus!? It's a plant and go plant!!🤣
Mid Summer 2017

#coleus #red #upclose I do love coleus!! An exceptionally pretty one here!

Mid Summer 2017

#coleus GOOD MORNING TO ALL MY GT FRIENDS!! HAPPY THURSDAY!! Another hot one here! I am so over this heat and smokey conditions! Hope everyone has a great day!!

Morning Shelley wow that's a beauty 😍😍😍

@Keely thanks Kelly! It's actually 2 different ones. I have a hard time putting just one plant in a pot, unless it's a big one or it's several of the same one!😂😂🤔

Beautiful Dual Colour spread. Did you Re potted to a Pot higher sometime back

@gauravsh6 no that's the pot l put them in originally!

Good afternoon! Looks lovely! It's been hot and rainy the last three or four days here...don't know how much more water my flowers can take. @ShelleySnyder

I agree my plants are soaked. The rains filled the sides of my canopy for some plants that can't take this hot sun and my canopy caved in if course there I was at 6am drenched in my pjs to save my plants!!! Got a new canopy but franks in California til Monday

@terrimclaughlin oh dear ! I hope things work out for you!!💘😍


Yes, @terrimclaughlin know the feeling on wet. Going to bed again tonight with chance of yard flooding and beds wading in water...Flash Flooding or Winds,I just can't get a break...UGHHH!

Wow I'm loving these!!
Mid Summer 2017

#coleus love this one!!

Beautiful colours!
Mid Summer 2017

#coleus just a couple more of my coleus
Early Summer 2017

#coleus one out of the earlier colage❤💚💜

I like the orange ones in the middle. So pretty.
Early Summer 2017

#coleuscollection YEP!! LOVES ME COLEUS!!!💚💙❤💛💜🖤💝


@ShelleySnyder was the first plant I grew at the tender age of 10 ..still grow them from seed but weather in Northern Ireland is not kind to them 💜💙💚

@shellsey oh I bet!! But ya gatta love em!!💘😍

Your collection is impressive!
Early Summer 2017

#coleus ain't she a beauty!! Nope I don't know her name!! She's a stranger to me!!

Blooming gorgeous!! 😍😍😍 xx

Love the shape and color!!

What a beauty Shelly!!!

@terrimclaughlin thanks!! Did you get your koi problem taken care of?💘😍

No and those Koi are giving me a lot of work my filters I have to change my water twice a week I'm getting rid of them Saturday I'm taking them back to the store!!! For a smart man this is very unrealistic to have those fish. I'm surprised none if my other fish haven't died. Thxs for asking. I bet at this time of year your yard is gorgeous!!!😊💕
Early Summer 2017

#coleus just another of my coleus

Wow, that is the most purple coleus I've ever seen. Very cool!! 👏🏼👏🏼

I thought these were flowers... beautiful! #foliage #purple


I love this 😍

Ahhh- that was my guess- coleus 😍

@bpetty55 you answered youself!😂😂😂
Early Summer 2017

#coleus this is the other coleus across from the one I posted yesterday.

That's lovely @ShelleySnyder . Such a rich colour too.

Oh that's a great colour Shelley , must have a go at these next year 😍👍


Totally love it 😍😍
Early Summer 2017

#coleus this seems to be a happy camper!! Crazy for coleus!😁

Do you know the variety?

@KariSamuel yikes!!! No but i'm gona go out and look to see if by chance I put the tag in the pot!💘😍

@KariSamuel i'm sorry theres no tag so I don't know what it is.I usually don't keep them any more because I get so many and I really don't care, I just like the colors, sorry again! 😟💘😍

So pretty!

Do you overwinter you coleus?

@ktemory no I don't cuz they aren't to crazy about gas heat plus they just all turn green in the house with lack of sun😟😟

No worries Honey! I don't normally keep my annual plant tags either!

Beautiful coleus😍

Stunning 😆
Early Summer 2017

#coleus in the morning sun☀️☀️☀️
Early Summer 2017

#coleus goood morning all GTers!! Happy Wednesday to all!! Happy coleus here!

Love the color! Great fall accent.

I hate the word 'fall' it means winter is next. 😝 @ripjuju lol

@lesliecole49 not to worry it's here from spring thru fall!! 🌻🍃🍁🍂

@lesliecole49 sorry :'(

Lol Judy @ripjuju

Beautiful have not seen that colour before. Need to get one ...as I have 11 varieties

Love it 😍
Late Spring 2017

#coleus morning everyone!! Hope your weekend was a good one!! Happy Monday to all!!😍 here is some of my coleus crazy bout coleus!!😂😂😁 (what am I not crazy about!?)🤔

What a selection ❤️

@suerichards that's not all of them!😲
#coleus #colorful #colorfulfoliage #favorite #bestofjuly gotta show off another pot of coleus!
Oh wow! I just got a small packet of rainbow coleus seeds - I hope mine grow up to be as vibrant as yours!
@succulentstylist I wish you luck! 💘😍
Beautiful foliage Shelley 😍
@gjones thanks so much! Hope your garden damage wasn't as bad as you first thought! 💘😍
@hkyfvr thanks Diane! 💘😍
@emch thanks! 💘😍
@gjones mother nature can be maen sometimes! 💘😍
Very welcome Shelley. 😍
What a fabulous colour ❤️💗❤️
@pelly thanks Jane! 💘😍