Echeveria Blue Waves
Echeveria 'Blue Waves'
Early Winter 2018
- 1
Late Autumn 2018
- 4
Mid Autumn 2018
- 11
Mid Autumn 2018
- 3
Mid Autumn 2018
- 1
Early Autumn 2018
- 2
Early Autumn 2018
- 5
Early Autumn 2018
- 1
Early Autumn 2018
- 1

Echeveria Blue Waves
Early Winter 2018
Late Autumn 2018

12.7.18 😍😍😍

Ooh and another fab result!😁😁

Thank you @Muzz67! 😊 to think at one time I was too afraid to have to cut anything, now I'm like "okay who needs a haircut today?!" 😆

Yes its funny like that.I was the same until I realised they reroot and grow beautifully each time I've done it.And you get pups! The worst one was one pup but that is more than i had before and the plant looked better too so still worth it. Confidence builds each time.Great job Ash 😁😉😍
Mid Autumn 2018

11.02.18 I can see 2 new heads popping up plus the 6 others i can see 🤗

Wow great job! What plant is it ? PVN ??

Ty 🤗 @Muzz67 it's an Echeveria "blue whale" but I can't find that ID or another name for it. The person who sold it gave it the ID, not from a nursery 💁

Here you go ! 😁😁😁

@Muzz67 the person who sold me most definitely gave it the incorrect ID then, that's not what this is

Oh no bummer!

Maybe they meant blue waves???

It's my favorite echeveria so far. I just don't know it's name, I call her big frilly lol @Muzz67

@Muzz67 now that looks like it!! Mine doesn't seem to be AS curly as some of the pics but besides that the colors and shapes do look like it! Maybe it was a typo lol

Well if it changes you can always change it later 😉

Blue waves makes so much more sense for it's name 😂
Mid Autumn 2018
Mid Autumn 2018

10.26.18 stump has at least 6 heads growing so far! ☺🙃☺🙃☺
Early Autumn 2018

10.11.18 this leaf ripped in half while trying to remove it, it was still such a big piece of leaf I couldn't toss it, wouldn't you know I saw roots this morning!

#newgrowth #succulent #ifthereisawillthereisaway
Early Autumn 2018

10.11.18 I'm ecstatic to see roots 😍 I've been trying to take leaves unsuccessfully all spring and summer long lol but this one looks strong!

Thank you 🤗 @cyndi

Nice! It has that delicate inward curve that roots. ❤️

@lovestogarden 😁🤗 so anxious to see those cute little baby leaves start to pop out

It should be soon! 🧐👀
Early Autumn 2018

9.28.18 I gave it a chop bc I want more lol hoping to get stem babies
Early Autumn 2018

9.28.18 my biggest Echeveria 😁 bigger than my hand but not dinner plate yet! I think I was told this was a "blue whale" #plant-id #plantid #succulentid #echeveria-id
12.21.18 starting to get it's little baby "waves" going 😍