Early Winter 2018
Early Winter 2018

12.28.18 I inherited 3 unknown kinds of orchids that aren't in great shape, got to get some bark and find some new pots for them

One in the clear pot looks like a moth orchid and doesn't look like it needs reporting. The one with the long psydobulbs could be a dendrobium or epidendrum of some kind. @Christos and @jlsardina can you help identify them

@Soja412 clear pot is a moth orchid. It could use a little more light than it’s used to. The one on the right is a Dendrobium. Based on its canes- will need to be watered year round as it’s media about to go dry. The one in back is harder to see. It could possibly be a Dendrobium or a cattleya. Maybe a better picture. You may not ever get a true ID on them if they are hybrids but you will have the type. Make sure to put them in a pot that keeps the roots compact. None of them like oversized pots

Trim off any mushy roots, spray whole plant with hydrogen peroxide and put them in small bark. If there’s no flowers on tops, cut the flower spikes back to about 1” from the plant so the orchid knows to work on new roots and better foliage. Depending on where you are- if you grow indoors, you will want a humidity tray and possibly only water about once a week; if you can grow outdoors, possibly water 2-3x a week. None of these plants can go under 55 degrees F.

@jlsardina thank you so much! Combination of what I've been reading and your advice I'm going to be keeping them in my bathroom which gets a decent amount of sunlight but not direct, it has a north facing window. My boyfriend is a cook so I'm going to ask him to bring home some to go soup containers which are clear and similar shape/size of the moth orchids, adding more holes. Unfortunately I can't get my hands on some bark for another week or so, but they've been hanging on this long 🙏

Another week won’t hurt. If what it is in right now is pretty broken down and has started looking like dirt, maybe only water once until you get the bark. The showers taken in the bathroom with provide some ambient humidity to keep them along as well.

@Soja412 Nice gift. The middle could be Dendrobium . The other in the big clay pot could be Dendrobium bigibbum.

@Soja412 Don't repot them now. Wait until spring and only when you see new roots to grow. The Dendrobium's need cooler temperatures and bright light, even direct sun light.

@Christos ok thank you! I haven't taken them out of their containers yet or repotted so I can wait if that's better. Everything was bone dry and hadn't been watered in over a week so I gave them a soak in their pots and cleaned their leaves which were pretty dusty. I didn't water the moth orchid bc the roots still looked green, the other two...dendrobiums roots were all silverish and or woody that I could see, some of which turned greenish after the soaking the pots, I'm guessing that is

A good sign

@Soja412 well done. Hope everything goes well with them. Keep in mind that an orchid can survive with less water. Keep us updated and all the best.
@jlsardina the poor little one
It’s most definitely a Dendrobium according to the growth. @Soja412