Clematis 'Ernest Markham'
Mid Summer 2020
Early Summer 2020

Good morning 🌞 .. flush of #clematis-villedelyon has flowered over the last couple of very hot sunny days. Have a fab Thursday..

Morning Mark, you too 🙂🌞

Fab colour ❤️

That’s gorgeous

Morning Mark! I need to invest in a late blooming large flowered clematis at some point to grow with a climbing rose. Only got Montanas at the moment. Lovely colour 😊

Thank you Ange, Sue, Sharon, Angela. It was nice surprise to see all those buds open, usually mid July, so now intermingling with Princess Diana and 2nd flush of Mrs Cholmondeley 😍 @anges @suerichards @sharonhayden @italydiva

Hi Angela. I have 35ft of trellis to fill and intend to plant some group 3s late flowering types. Its certainly worth gettimg a mix of all groups to compliment climbing roses. @italydiva

Morning Mark, that's a lovely clematis 💞💞💞

Afternoon Mark 😊that’s a lovely one 💗

Thank you Jane, Marilyn. Ive now taken a photo of all 3 in bloom together. Not as easy as it sounds, they're observing their social distancing. 😂💜💙❤ @pelly @lovemygarden65

Beautiful and a great colour ♥️♥️

Thanks Christine, I'm pleased to say its been a prolific flowerer this season.. ❤ @midnightgardener
There's something to be said about rain and flowers, always gives a different perspective on their blooms. One wet gardener and his 📷 #mondaymotivation #clematis-ernest-markham