- Late Winter 2017
- 31
- 2
- Early Summer 2016
- 7
- 4
- Early Summer 2016
- 3
- 7
- Early Summer 2016
- 6
- 0
- Late Spring 2016
- 1
- 4
- Late Winter 2017
- 31
- Early Summer 2016
- 7
First attempt of a camellia cutting & doesn't seem to be doing bad! 😀
Didn't I do these son ?????
is it in compost with a bit of rooting powder ?
Well done! #cutting
- Early Summer 2016
- 3
HELP! These have appeared on my cuttings & I'm unsure what it is? Can someone please help. #Camellia
I did think it maybe Cottony camellia scale not that sure
@craighunter Any idea what this is?
Looks like Cottony Camellia scale, as James said
@kyleleonard Thank you, il try & see how to treat it, any ideas?
As above, sorry didn't see your message
#advice-camellia #scale
- Early Summer 2016
- 6
- Late Spring 2016
- 1
Anyone have any advice for growing a camellia from a cutting please?
Likes acidic soil so hopefully it's in a pot of ericaceous compost. Best watered with rain water as tap water can sometimes have too much calcium in it which can reduce he acidity around the roots over time. Prefer a sheltered spot in light shade. Hope this helps 👍
@justin That's brilliant thank you. Hopefully it will take :-)
@justin That's brilliant thank you. Hopefully it will take :-)
Love it! 👌 #camellia #spring
Could it be camellia brushfield yellow?