Citrus x meyeri
Mid Summer 2016
Early Winter 2016

Finally turning yellow!

Can I ask how long that has taken? We have two in our plant, been large and green for months now!

@joanboston almost a year. I think it flowered last March. We get loads of flowers and loads of tiny lemons but then they fall off after about a fortnight. This is the only one that's stayed on. We've had the plant for about three years.

Sounds like ours! @stvnhwrd we've had it about ten months, it flowers, the fruit sets then drops off. We bought special citrus feed and water and feed as per instruction. Wish I knew where we are going wrong.

@joanboston maybe they're just being difficult! Do you keep it indoors or outdoors? Ours has always been kept inside but I'm thinking of putting it outside when summer comes around.

Indoors but I think we will try ours outside next summer.

Thanks for the info #stvnhwrd

@joanboston then we can compare notes!

@geoffboston no problem!

Always wanted one but got no place to bring them in 🙄

#gyo 👍🏼😀
I've put the Lemon plant outside today. Hopefully we can get more than one lemon this year!
Fingers crossed😃