Colocasia esculenta syn. Colocasia antiquorum
Elephant Ear (Colocasia)
Mid Spring 2024
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Mid Spring 2024
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Mid Spring 2024
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Mid Autumn 2023
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Mid Autumn 2023
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Mid Autumn 2023
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Early Autumn 2023
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Mid Spring 2023
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Mid Spring 2022
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Early Autumn 2020
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Early Autumn 2020
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Early Autumn 2020
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Late Spring 2020
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Late Spring 2020
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Late Spring 2020
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Late Spring 2020
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Late Spring 2020
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Late Spring 2020
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Late Spring 2020
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Late Spring 2020
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Mid Winter 2020
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Mid Autumn 2019
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Mid Autumn 2019
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Mid Autumn 2019
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Mid Autumn 2019
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Mid Autumn 2019
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Colocasia esculenta syn. Colocasia antiquorum
Mid Spring 2024
Mid Spring 2024

The #ittybitty #elephantears are catching #waterdrops (saving them for later) 15 Mar 2024 #taro #elephant-ear #elephantear #colocasia-esculenta #edible #ediblelandscaping #deer-resistant seriously the deer don't eat them
Mid Spring 2024

The #experiment WORKED! the #elephantears are emerging! Hooraaaaay! A big thick blanket of wood chips and spring mulch kept them all nice and warm. 1 May 2024

@cheriej look it worked for me too!!! 🐘🐘🐘🐘👂👂👂👂

Yay!!! I’m so glad! 😃😃😃 @sushiwaitress
Mid Autumn 2023

#elephantear #experiment part 2: three wheelbarrow loads of #woodchips in lumpy 10" tall piles over the stumps of the #elephantears to see if they'll make it through the winter in zone 7a. Probably not, but I've gone through all the work of digging them up and putting them in the basement and then forgot to plant them again the next season TWICE NOW. So even if these die I'm in no worse shape. 11 Nov 2023 #colocasia-esculenta #taro #elephant-ear

@sushiwaitress I have several batches of elephant ears that I don’t dig up in winter. They come back just fine, I cover them with shredded leaves and leave them alone. I’m in zone 6b.

@cheriej Wow that's great news!!!! Thank you!!

You are very welcome @sushiwaitress !! I should also tell you that I always keep one small batch in a pot under the house ‘just in case’ !!!
Mid Autumn 2023

Another #experiment in zone 7a: I hacked down the #elephantears that flopped over at the first frost. I'm going to leave them in the ground under a thick pile of mulch this winter and see what happens in the spring. 11 Nov 2023 #elephantear #elephant-ear #colocasia-esculenta #taro
Mid Autumn 2023

#elephantear after the first frost. They look like giant dead spiders 😱 5 Nov 2023 #colocasia-esculenta #taro #elephant-ear #edible

They sure do.
Early Autumn 2023

My grocery store #taroelephantears started out as 4 naked bulbs this spring, and now look at them! And the deer don't eat them! 5 Oct 2023 #elephantear #elephantears #elephant-ear #taro #edible #edibleornamental #colocasia-esculenta

I’ve just managed to get one of these to shoot, bought from a supermarket, how deep did you plant yours Ruth? I’ll be keeping mine in a pot. 😀

The crown should be at the top of the soil. Not deep at all. @sieveheadsarah

The new shoots are on the side, I’ll tag you in my post so you can see what I mean 😀👍🏼
Mid Spring 2023

I accidentally killed my huge elephant ears, so I'm starting over with #taro #corms from the Asian grocery. They've been out of the fridge and on the counter for about a week in a plastic bag and apparently that was enough to wake them up. Got them in the ground today. 13 May 2023 #edible #taroelephantears
Mid Spring 2022

I accidentally killed my huge #elephant-ear #corms last year by letting them dry out in the basement. Bought some #taro at the asian grocery store and planted them this morning. Hope it works. 30 Apr 2022 #experiment #ediblelandscaping #taroelephantears
Early Autumn 2020

#texture #leaf #closeup #upclose #colocasia-esculenta #colocasiaesculenta #elephantears #elephantear #taro 26 Sep 2020
Early Autumn 2020

#elephantears ended up doing just fine this year even though I didn't get them in the ground until May 20-something #colocasia #colocasiaesculenta #mygarden 26 Sep 2020
Early Autumn 2020

#elephantears ended up doing just fine this year even though I didn't get them in the ground until May 20-something #colocasia #colocasiaesculenta #thisisme 26 Sep 2020

I thought it is only plant indoor. Good to know.

@Yaser it depends what your climate is. After the first frost I dig them up and store them in the basement during the winter and then replant them in spring after danger of frost has passed. I'm in New Jersey (Zone 7a) and it freezes here during the winter.
Late Spring 2020

DAMMIT DEER!! The day after my last photo I came out to find a freshly munched stalk. Good thing it's already making a new leaf. 😠 #elephantear #colocasia-esculenta #elephantears 18 June 2020
Late Spring 2020

Did some weeding this weekend. This leaf is about 6" long now. 15 June 2020 #elephantear #colocasia-esculenta #elephantears
Late Spring 2020

After a couple rainy days and then some days of warmth and sun, the #elephantears (ears, not tears) are finally coming up. It's mid June, so I'm not expecting them to get as big as last year because I put them in the ground three weeks late. But we'll see what happens. I'm so glad I didn't ruin them. 14 June 2020 #elephantear #colocasia #colocasia-esculenta
Late Spring 2020

First #elephantear popping up. I put these in the ground so late. I hope i didn't kill them. This is one of the little bulblets that I couldn't think of a place for, so I stuck them at the edge of the driveway. #growbabygrow #colocasia-esculenta #taro #elephant-ear 11 June 2020

It freezes here. Zone 7a. But in the past few years it's been warmer. Snow here usually only lasts 2-3 days before it melts. @cyndi
Late Spring 2020

Today's job is to plant these bad boys. 25 May 2020 #elephantear #colocasia-esculenta #bulb

😳 you’ve got a lot of elephant ears 👍
Late Spring 2020

Another monster #elephantear #bulb cluster now all cleaned off. Peeled away the remnants of the old leaves and ripped off the dry roots. All ready to be tucked back into the soil. 24 May 2020 #colocasia-esculenta

Big ones, awesome 👏

They came with the house. I feel like I ought to be a good steward for them. @docthrill

I’ll be watching for your results.
Late Spring 2020

This guy already knows it's spring, even though he had been in the dark basement for 5 months. 24 May 2020 #colocasia-esculenta #bulb #elephantear
Late Spring 2020

It's way past time to clean these off and plant them out again. They've been hibernating in the basement. #colocasia-esculenta #betterlatethannever #bulb #gigantic #elephantear #cluster 24 May 2020
Mid Winter 2020

My huge #elephantear #corm has dried out a lot since I dug it up. It looks like dormant greenovia 😁 22 Jan 2020 #dormant #colocasia #colocasia-esculenta
Mid Autumn 2019

The other giant cluster of #elephantear #corm which I hauled to the basement last night. 12 Nov 2019
Mid Autumn 2019

I hope I did this right. I dug up my #elephantear #bulb before the snow and it's in my garage now, drying out a bit before I haul it to the basement. This one bulb cluster is about a foot in diameter. 10 Nov 2019 #elephant-ear #overwinter
Mid Autumn 2019

I hacked off the stems at the ground and felt like I was swinging a machete through the jungle. 9 Nov 2019 #taro #elephant-ear #elephantears #taroelephantears
Mid Autumn 2019

These are the same #taroelephantears on 9 Nov after the first good frost. Time to dig 'em up! #elephant-ear #elephantears #taro
Mid Autumn 2019

This is me back on 14 Aug, the evening before hubby and I closed on our first house. I was so thrilled to see how HUGE the #elephantears had gotten. They're over 3 feet long! #taroelephantears


Impressive 😀
#mini #elephantears just kidding it's early and they'll get a lot bigger 17 May 2024 #colocasia-esculenta #cutiepatootie