Gymnocalycium mihanovichii (Graft)
Moon Cactus (Graft)
Late Autumn 2019
- 3
Late Winter 2019
- 5
Mid Winter 2019
- 2
Mid Winter 2019
- 1
Mid Autumn 2018
- 1
Mid Autumn 2018
- 2
Mid Summer 2018
- 3
Mid Summer 2018
- 2
Early Summer 2018
- 1
Early Summer 2018
- 5
Early Summer 2018
- 1
Early Summer 2018
- 3
Mid Spring 2018
- 6

Gymnocalycium mihanovichii (Graft)
Late Autumn 2019
Late Winter 2019

Hey #graftedcactus fans, I need some #advice. The #grafting stock is light green at the base and there's a little bit of brown near the soil line now. Is this rot? Underwatering? Overwatering? Any ideas? #gymnocalyciummihanovichii #dragonfruitcactus #advice-needed 21 Feb 2019 #pitaya

It is damn hard to overwater a pitaya in a mix like that. Can you stick your finger under the soil line to feel if it’s soft? Epiphytic cacti will sometimes naturally cork with age

Looks ok to me?

@mauspad @Muzz67 I poked my finger down into the soil and it was bone dry an inch down, so my current hypothesis is underwatering. I also noticed the grafting stock is thinner closer to the soil, so I'm thinking that might be a sign of dehydration.

@mauspad @Muzz67 I gave him a good drink last night, and I'll be watching to see if he plumps back up over the next week or so.
Mid Winter 2019

The lighter-color green at the base of the grafting stock reminded me that it's been... a while... since he last got any water. Sorry sorry sorrysorry... sorry... 30 Jan 2019 #mooncactus #gymnocalycium #gymnocalyciummihanovichii

Update (checked my GT plant notes): 5 weeks since last water
Mid Winter 2019

This guy says hi. 30 Jan 2019 #mooncactus #gymnocalycium #gymnocalyciummihanovichii
Mid Autumn 2018

This guy is top-heavy, and I knocked him over last night. So I took the opportunity to repot him. #mooncactus #gymnocalycium #gymnocalyciummihanovichii #windowsill #apartmentgarden
Mid Autumn 2018

My #mooncactus doesn't do a whole lot, but I noticed something the other day. There are new yellow areas on the top and on some of the pups. So I have a new theory: this is a yellow moon cactus that was incredibly sun-stressed to bring out the red color. And now that it's in my house it's going back to normal. So he's maybe a little less genetically abnormal than I thought, but he's still mine and I still love him.

#gymnocalyciummihanovichii #gymnocalycium
Mid Summer 2018

0 for 2. Grafting fail. 20 July 2018 Either the baby plant was too weak and dehydrated (definitely a possibility) or the rubber bands were too tight. Or both. #graftedcactus #failure #experiment #alwayslearning #fail #trytryagain

Yep, and now I know something else to try for next time. 😊 @cyndi

I am impressed at your attempt. Good for you. It is on my bucket list. ❤👏👏👏
Mid Summer 2018

Grafting fail. Womp womp. 20 July 2018 Either the baby plant was too weak and dehydrated (definitely a possibility) or the rubber bands were too tight. Or both. #graftedcactus #failure #experiment #alwayslearning #fail #trytryagain

Early Summer 2018

Just noticed that these fat babies on my #gymnocalyciummihanovichii are starting to turn yellow on top a little. How fun! The bottom half of the mother #mooncactus is also yellow. Yay genetic variation! #graftedcactus #succulentsunday #windowsill #apartmentgarden
Early Summer 2018

#closeup #upclose of my #graftedcactus #gymnocalyciummihanovichii and the #diy #graft I did last weekend. The baby plant was pretty soft when I cut it because it had been separated from its mom for several months, and I have severe doubts that this is going to take. 12 July 2018 #timewilltell #prediction #mooncactus

@sushiwaitress it’s worth a try. I always try to save the weak or sick plants. 😷

@renae my grandmother (who is responsible for my love of plants) always says, "if it wants to live, it'll fight." @cyndi

Has it taken 👌📸👌👀👌

No, unfortunately. The pups were too long without water and were squishy and the rubber bands were too strong. They just got squished. @Naomi126 #liveandlearn #experiment #trytryagain
Early Summer 2018

#closeup #upclose of my #graftedcactus #gymnocalyciummihanovichii and the #diy #graft I did last weekend. The baby plant was pretty soft when I cut it because it had been separated from its mom for several months, and I have severe doubts that this is going to take. 12 July 2018 #timewilltell #prediction #mooncactus
Early Summer 2018

I found a YouTube video about how to graft cactus, and I was super excited because I'd picked up red and yellow baby moon cacti from the floor of Home Depot when I'd bought this guy but had no grafting stock to attach them to. I hope this works! #mooncactus #gymnocalyciummihanovichii #graftedcactus #diy #windowsill #apartmentgarden 8 July 2018

How to graft cacti

Mid Spring 2018

Here's my new #cutie! I didn't know #mooncactus with bright colors don't have chlorophyll and thus need to be grafted to live. Once I learned that, I had a lot more respect for these humble little guys. I saw a yellow-and-red one before and didn't buy it and then couldn't stop thinking about it, so I went back to where I'd seen it and got one today. Yay! 🌵#wishlistnomore

Anybody have a source for adorably tiny grafting stock? The two red and yellow babies need some food.

Gorgeous 😍 love the 2 little ones too !!

I knew that but am wondering in nature what do they do to survive? I mean they dont grow grafted so how do they do it in the wild? If we have a hard time grafting with all the necessary tools how does a plant do it

@heatherdirtyhands I think these brightly colored ones don't exist in the wild. I think only the green/ dark purple ones have enough chlorophyll to photosynthesize. I was under the impression that the brightly colored ones are some kind of hybrid/lab creation that doesn't exist in nature. (I have done zero research so I could be way wrong.)

Sounds reasonable @sushiwaitress
I've been wondering if this #gymnocalycium-mihanovichii is a yellow variety that has been sun-stressed to be red on top or if its genetics make it red and yellow. Well, I found a clue today: a tiny baby pup starting to erupt. 💛❤💛❤ 1 Dec 2019 #graftedcactus #moon-cactus #macro #upclose #closeup
How awesome is that!
Fabulous photo 😉