Laurus Nobilis
Bay Tree
Late Summer 2022
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Early Summer 2022
- 1
Late Spring 2022
- 1
Mid Autumn 2021
- 2
Early Autumn 2021
- 7

Laurus Nobilis
Late Summer 2022
Early Summer 2022

#baylaurel is about 18" tall now. 16 July 2022 #baytree #treesfromcuttings #herb #gyoherbs
Late Spring 2022

I repotted my #ittybitty #baytree last fall and added a bunch of mulch and compost -- it's got a lot of new growth and it's only June! 12 June 2022 #laurus-nobilis #baylaurel #bay #herb #gyo #gyo-herbs
Mid Autumn 2021

It's moving up day! Repotted the #baytree 22Oct 2021 #bay #baylaurel #herb #gyo #edible #ediblelandscaping

Early Autumn 2021

My #baytree has grown a respectable 3 inches since I got it this spring from the #herbsocietyofamerica especially considering I've been using its leaves in cooking here and there. It deserves a better pot than its current cardboard oatmeal can. 8 Oct 2021 #baylaurel #laurus-nobilis #herb #gyo #treesfromcuttings #ediblelandscaping #recycle #reuse

Now this is for cooking leaves, correct? Are you too far south for bayberry bushes?

@emch yes it's for cooking. I didn't know bayberry could be used in place of bay (laurel)! That's so much more convenient and probably has a much better chance of making it in this climate. I'm in zone 7a so the bay laurel will have to come inside for the winter.

Bayberry is NOT a substitute for bay laurel but it does make the best-smelling candles on earth!

@sushiwaitress this convo inspired me to finally send for some bayberry bushes. Apparently they are quite happy in swampland so they will be a natural fit in the back forty. CANNOT WAIT even though they are going to be years off from candlemaking. Google Assistant informs me that the leaves and berries CAN be used in cooking after all.

That's a great story! We feed eash others' obsessions, don't we? Now I'm off to find a bayberry candle to sniff 😂🕯

@sushiwaitress make sure it is real bayberry and not some soy wax job with artificial scent added. The fake bayberry scent is usually light years away from the real thing...
The #baylaurel has not appreciated the #drought. Got back from 3 weeks away and some plants didn't fare so well. (The #purslane is doing ok though.) 10 Sep 2022 #bay #bayleaf