Rhus typhina 'Dissecta'
Early Spring 2017
Mid Summer 2016

Help me identify this plant please #plantid

Perhaps a young Sumac?

Thanks @tiggrx where would we be without you! Diolch! 😃
You can see where this gets the staghorn id from 🙄
Aren't plants just astounding! 😲😲😲
Fantastic plants.!!! I have been trying to buy one in UK but have been told they are poisonous.
Used to have this in my parents' garden. I used to stroke the branches. They were so fluffy 🤗
#rhus #stagshornsumach
Oh really @h.revill I was given a root and planted. Had some leaf growth last year, thought I'd lost it and then hey presto there's this!
Really really love them i just wondered where i could get them. They have all year interest.
Heres a link I found @h.revill 😎 http://www.crocus.co.uk/plants/_/rhus-typhina/classid.4323/?affiliate=googleproductfeed&gclid=CJjc9oH_s9MCFbQy0wodwIgJyw