That is one medical plant we always had around the house with lots of starts, so we always had plenty for sunburns and other burns and skin pain. Mom had them before you ever saw anything sold in stores advertising having it and it's benefits. People thought I was crazy when I said my mom would slice a leaf open and rub the juice on my sunburn and then in a minute or so no more pain. And unless it was very bad burn pain didn't return either.🤗
@purplebird my mom was the same way 😊 we always had tons so we split it up when we grew up and moved out. I have so much I just keep getting more clay pots to grow them as big as possible
Freshly planted babies
That is one medical plant we always had around the house with lots of starts, so we always had plenty for sunburns and other burns and skin pain. Mom had them before you ever saw anything sold in stores advertising having it and it's benefits. People thought I was crazy when I said my mom would slice a leaf open and rub the juice on my sunburn and then in a minute or so no more pain. And unless it was very bad burn pain didn't return either.🤗
@purplebird my mom was the same way 😊 we always had tons so we split it up when we grew up and moved out. I have so much I just keep getting more clay pots to grow them as big as possible