Colocasia esculenta syn. Colocasia antiquorum
Elephant Ear (Colocasia)
Early Summer 2019
- 4
Early Summer 2019
- 8
Late Spring 2019
- 3

Colocasia esculenta syn. Colocasia antiquorum
Early Summer 2019
Early Summer 2019

What the heck happened to my Elephant Ears?!?! This is the second leaf to shrivel up and it makes me want to cry! The only thing I can think of is the other night I brought it inside due to incredibly high winds and sat it back outside the next day.. did I put it in shock?! 😭 Uuuuugh

💐 @richard.spicer.7906 any chance you might be able to help @cyndi ? @ublaszko

I don't think it was you, I think it's too much sun and not enough water, remember these can grow in water so they want alot!💘😍

You guys are the best really! 😘☺️ @ShelleySnyder @cyndi @wtwitchell6969

I (sadly) agree with sunburn.... Great advice from @ShelleySnyder & @cyndi

Yep, I thought it looks like sunburn 👍 @wtwitchell6969 @taylork ☺

No baby oil now then

Our pleasure Taylor!!🤗💘
Late Spring 2019

These elephant ears are doing so good!! I got the bulbs at Atwood's quite some time ago and I just left them in the plastic bag.. finally after a couple months of being in that plastic bag I planted them and not long after that they started growing. Not sure what the variety is though 🤔 #elephantear #elephant-ear #taylorsgarden #containergardening #bulbs

So pretty 😍👌

Thank you ladies! ☺️ @plantobsessions @gjones
My elephant ears are doing much better now they're moved out of that harsh sun! They seem so majestic to me! #taylorsplants #taylorsgarden #elephantears
Wow! Looks like they are getting big!💘😍
Oh, they're huge Shelley! Probably on of my favorites in the yard right now! 😍 @ShelleySnyder
I love elephant ears too!💘😍