Colocasia esculenta syn. Colocasia antiquorum
Elephant Ear (Colocasia)
Late Spring 2019
- 5
Mid Autumn 2018
- 7
Early Autumn 2018
- 11
Early Autumn 2018
- 8
Early Autumn 2018
- 13
Early Spring 2018
- 6
Late Spring 2017
- 2

Colocasia esculenta syn. Colocasia antiquorum
Late Spring 2019
Mid Autumn 2018

Maybe I should go out of town more often.

Beautiful sunny day today!!😊💕

It looks huge! 😊

@natii. Hi Natii hope your world is good and full of happiness. I couldn’t believe that I was worried while I was gone.........and look not one plant seemed to miss me😪...😂🤣😊💕

@natii this elephant ear just got enormous this last month. I think they definitely prefer cool weather. Hope all is great st your home!!🤗🤗😊💕

@columbiariver. That’s what I said when I came home from Florida. It’s looking like your getting some beautiful plants/flowers still up there at your wonderful home!!!😂🤗🤗😊

Oh you're so kind Terri! Yes, everything is all right. Hope you had a great journey and could spend some beautiful time with your mother? 🙂 And I'm sure your plants were missing you, you should see it the other way: they're so happy of you being back that they presented themselves in the best light for you 😁😊💕
Early Autumn 2018

I need some advice. Do I just cut these down and leave em in the pots and overwinter them or the bigger ones that are pretty root bound.....should I take them out and bury them where they did good??🤔😊💕

Where are you? Texas? I would probly put mine in the ground. Mine here, (middle Tennessee) ts in a pot too, I think I'll probly pull the bulb and then plant it in ground come spring.

@lesliecole49 Thxs I think I will too. The ones in the ground seem to grow a lot faster too! Have a good one😊💕

the ones i gave u just repot them the arrow arum and buddahs palm elephant ear in the red colored pot but dont cut them i would the taros and the ones with purple stem plant in ground in spring tho @terrimclaughlin

You already have your answers! Looks like you've been collecting elephant ears. It a shame we can't get trophy hunter to put down their guns and grow them. Lol.🐘🐘🐘

@kimguy your so funny about my elephant ears they do ok all up in the shade but I’m goto plant them back there behind them where the white little fence is. All along there is good shade!!😊💕

They'll all look great there👌 @terrimclaughlin

@kimguy I pulled them all out of there little shade spots so I could get advice on if I should keep some in pots-take some out or just cut them back in a few weeks. I’m going to plant them all on the shady side of my house where the sun isn’t so intense and I think they grow a lot better in the ground. Nice talking to you, my friend 👍🏻👍🏻🤗😊💕

@columbiariver I pulled them all out of their little spots to put them on the side of the house so next year they should do great. I’m going to put them in the dirt @ShelleySnyder said this would b a good time. I also pour alittle mulch just in case. Sorry I haven’t answered a lot either I’ve been so busy with my mother and getting things in order it’s hard sad but it’s life. She’s very happy that’s the most important. You two have a great night. Great the boys are helping 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🤗😊💕

Good deal Terri! They will do a whole lot better in the ground, I think you're going to be amazed! Hope things are going ok with your mom, take care my friend!💘😍

By the way I love your new profile pic!👍🤗💘😍
Early Autumn 2018

And now they start growing!! Still just little guys lol😯🤭🤣😂🤔🤗😊💕

What's your zone Terri? This may grow all winter for you!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder I’m zone 9b and @columbiariver and you are probably right cause they really need shade in the summer or they’ll burn up not to mention need a ton of water. Thxs ladies🤗🤗😊💕

Yep! Should be fine outside all winter!😉💘😍

@gauravsh6 Thxs for ur comment but I was wondering if your familiar with banana trees?? I’ve had mine for about 5 yrs. but all this rain I now have a lot of mold where the branches meet the main stem can I treat this or should I just cut them back since it’s fall here in Texas?😊💕

@ShelleySnyder what about the ones in the pots?? I was thinking of putting them all alone that side of the house because of the shade plus the ground is pretty wet to dig right now??😊💕

They should do fine in pots as long as you water heavy!😁💘😍

It would be better to cut them back. Treating them won't help much and would lead to lot of your efforts as infection has spread to larger extent
Early Autumn 2018

I pulled the leaf over so everyone can see what type elephant ear this is. It has the deep burgundy stem. What is this yellow bud coming?? It almost looks like the bloom from a peace lily?!? I can barely c inside any guess?!?!? I’m very excited 😊💕

I've no idea what it is, it does look like the bloom from a peace going to research a little now for you..

I just looked online.. Apparently that bloom is a seed pod!!

"Botanically, a spath is a bract (modified leaf) enclosing a spadix (fleshy spike of tiny flowers). If the flowers are pollinated, tiny “berries” will form along the spadix. Save them to plant outdoors in spring. ... My guess is that older, crowded plants will bloom more often than newly-planted elephant ears."

@kamaki Wow Thxs for researching that!!! That’s really cool this is the first year I’ve had this species of elephant ears. And this is the mother plant I’ve made 3 other potted plants from babies from this one I’m glad I didn’t bother it for awhile it’s pretty, a pretty pale yellow I’ll post it when it opens probably tomorrow so it’s a bract? the bracts from the bougainvillea?!?!? Plants are so amazing by chance can u tell me where to go for that information I said I just let it dry

You're very welcome! It's my pleasure. I found that information on the Georgia gardener. Look up elephant ear - blooms.

Wow! It's in the same family as the peace lily! No wonder!!

WHAT 😯🤭🤣😂!!!! Well who would of ever thought if I was a gambler I bet if you bet someone if an elephant ear and peace lily are related you’d win every time. That’s amazing Thxs again @kamaki. I wonder how often you get lucky enough to get that??? I know it awhile before my peace lily treats me to one of her beautiful blooms 👍🏻🤗😊💕

You're very welcome @terrimclaughlin... Terri, that doesn't happen often, that's for sure, that was very lucky indeed! It's great to help you!

@moore.794 I was so excited when I first saw it! I wasn’t quite sure what it was but I knew it wasn’t a leaf. In all the years having elephant ears I’d never seen this before 😯😊💕

@cyndi I had not seen yours or forgotten but I just went back and just 5 days ago u posted one....I’m sooo jealous I should’ve known you’d have one!!!! Just kidding You have such a great, huge, beautiful variety of flowers, plants and trees and oh yeah animals. Your great cyndi😘🤗👍🏻 I’m so excited about mine I’d just never had this before maybe it’s our weather I don’t know but anyway have a great night and no more scary pics of moths walking around 😱😱🤣😂🤗😊💕

@Muzz67 isn’t that cool?!?!?😊💕
Early Spring 2018

Taro elephant ear#twonewbabies#

Yippie! Welcome little ones!😎💜

Appears to be doing good Terri! I love all the different taro!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder I bought a Persian elephant ear 1 for Hannahcristine and 1 for myself I need to plant both of them. They do so much better in the ground. Thxs🤗😊💕 Hope your new venture is coming along!!!!👍🏻👍🏻🧐🤭🤔🤫🤫😯🤫💕

Thanks Terri! The hubs actually got alot done yesterday between the rain and snow and hail and sleet and gloom of night-- oh sorry I got carried away for a sec!😂😂😂 Thanks for asking! Hope you have a great day!!💘😍

@ShelleySynder your so funny about your husband and your project. I’m going to plant this somewhere it was on the side of the house where it hardly gets seen so I pulled it up and potted it temporarily it was almost winter. I really need to get it planted. I had it in the very bk. of my yard but it was so sunny I was always having to water it. Any suggestions??🤔😊💕
Late Spring 2017

Help me identify this plant

@terrimclaughlin I believe this is an colocasia (taro) ( elephant ears) 💘😍
A few of my elephant ears! Enjoying a little shade I finally have!!😊💕
Wooow lovely plants grandma @terrimclaughlin
They're beautiful Terri! 😊💕
Woah they're everywhere
They are looking great!