- Early Summer 2017
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- Early Summer 2017
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- Early Summer 2017
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- Early Summer 2017
- 9
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- Early Summer 2017
- 5
- Early Summer 2017
- 2
A tiny bit of me thought when the tarmac was gone they might just spring back up again but no.
The bulbs will still be there, get them out and transplant them, they should be fine 😊😊😊
Oh yes. Should have said "was massive" 😳😊
- Early Summer 2017
- 1
I thought it
- Early Summer 2017
- 9
It's a sad day for my crocosmia this morning. #buried #tarmac
So here's one from last week in all its glory. I think we will be digging this one up this autumn as we are re doing the front Garden and changing the drive layout. Hopefully I can transport it somewhere
It moves well Kate and should be divided regularly anyway as it is invasive. 😊😊😊
@pelly thanks for the advice. It was at the house when we moved here and I've never done anything with it so it's massive now. Good to know 😊
You're welcome 👍👍👍