Rhododendron (Rhododendron Varieties)
Early Spring 2021
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Early Spring 2019
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Early Spring 2019
- 6
Early Spring 2018
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Early Spring 2018
- 3

Rhododendron (Rhododendron Varieties)
Early Spring 2021
Early Spring 2019

About 90% full bloom! #urbangarden #urbangardening #containergardening #containergarden #rhododendron #rhododendronblooms
Early Spring 2019

This rhododendron has been a project on patience & love. The 1st year I got it was in Fall so I didn't get any blooms. The 2nd year I realized it was in the wrong spot so I moved it, therefore killing any chance for blooms. Last year I overjoyed to get 2 blooms. This year, I could cry! She has blooms forming everywhere! Gardening isn't always about instant gratification, especially with perennials, but when they get established they show their love! #urbangarden #urbangardening #containergar

I think I may have to move mine too.

@lesliecole49 mine wasn't getting near enough sun where it was.

Mine's getting morning sun but when the tree leads out it'll get dappled light. I'm going to dig it up and pot it, move it around some. Sometimes when they say partial shade they should say with some good sun thrown in there too!

I know! I've learned that "partial shade" is a misnomer. It's such a big range. Mines in the hottest, sunniest corner in my yard where nothing else has survived 😂

Sure, that corner is "partial shade" but it gets destroyed for the 4 hours that it does get sun. Lol. This bush seems to like it lol
Early Spring 2018

this #rhododendron 😍😍😍 #urbangardening #urbangardeners #Baltimore #perennials #flowers
Early Spring 2018

Woke up to a lovely sight this morning! My Rhododendron is blooming for the first time ever!!!!! I bought it 3 years ago & it has never bloomed & I've since lost the tag! To think I almost got rid of it last year! #urbangardening #urbangardener #rhododendron


@gjones @ausgardentags I have moved this young plant twice so it was probably stressed. But I moved it to a sunnier/warmer spot last summer & that seemed to do the trick! I'm so happppyyyyyy!
13 blooms on my rhododendron this year! That's a record! #thekitchencoven #gardening #urbangardening #containergardening #containergarden #rhododendron #spring #springflowers