Euphorbia pulcherrima
Late Autumn 2019
- 8
Mid Autumn 2019
- 6
Late Summer 2019
- 3
Early Summer 2019
- 11
Mid Spring 2019
- 13
Late Winter 2019
- 6
Late Autumn 2018
- 6

Euphorbia pulcherrima
Late Autumn 2019
Mid Autumn 2019

Well the magic is starting to happen. Newest leaves are turning red. The excitement and are anticipation is nail biting 😉 Thanks #moore794 great advice! #poinsettia #anticipation

Wish I could keep one alive Val 😬😂

#plantmagic fantastic!💘😍

That’s amazing Val...

I’ve never managed it before Julie, this one must be tougher than average! @juliesgarden

Thrilled with it Elaine and Shelley, I’m a bit worried about being at my daughters for a couple of days and not being able to put it in the cupboard for the allotted time 😱 I’m hoping that it will be okay with no lights going on! @ShelleySnyder @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Late Summer 2019

#houseplant The #pointsettia is going in the cupboard next week. Feeling nervous!

It must be a big cupboard 😀

Thanks Bill @BillWatson Ha ha Ange, yes our boiler and solar panels workings cupboard, nice and big, good and dark! @anges
Early Summer 2019

Almost 7 months on and my Christmas #poinsettia is still going #foliagefriday #houseplantsjoho

Wow. Mine could have looked like that if Mr F hadn't thrown it away thinking it was dead.

That’s beautiful ❤️💚

Now that IS impressive!! I didn’t even know it was possible! 😉🤣

At this rate you won't have to buy one this year ❤❤

Looking good, Mine doesn't even last 7 days let alone 7 months!!

I had no idea either @rachelbrooks I have been known to have to replace mine before Christmas @charlotte @carolgs. If it makes it to December 🤞@pelly I’ll probably be looking for advice on getting all the bracts back to red!

Sept to start darkness for xmas bloom

Where is best to keep it Terry. Temperature? How dark? I really want to try and keep this on! @moore.794

Start ing 9/15 cover with cardboardbox or move to closet for 12 to 15 hours each night. Important not to get any light at night. Cool 65-75* f continue water/fert when dry. Pinch tallest back 4 leaves length 9/1.reduce fert 11/1. keeping brightest light during day. minimum of 40 days to get bloom. Good luck @valjones-hughes

Thank you Terry, I know it’s a challenge but I’m up for it. @moore.794
Mid Spring 2019

My Christmas #poinsettia in May. Never before! #houseplantsjoho

Wow , mine don’t get past x,as eve 🤣🤣🤣

Wow Val, that's amazing ❤❤

Wow! That’s impressive Val! 👏🏼👏🏼

Thanks @gardengirlla @juliesgarden @pelly @rachelbrooks I couldn’t believe my eyes when I got home, it had made it to March but was prepared to find a shrivelled mess. Only things that are different are totally full sunlight, south facing patio doors, watered sparingly when dry.

That's fabulous.👍🏻

Well I can’t even keep mine til Boxing Day! 🤣



Thanks @cee @rosiebug @ShelleySnyder @rachelbrooks I have been known to hide my original and buy a second, there is hope 😂

Ooh you little devil! 🤭

Wow! 😀
Late Winter 2019

Whoa! My poinsettia seems to be flowering 😮 🤗 #poinsettia #houseplantsjoho

How exciting, you will be able to collect seeds and grow your own 👍👍

Here in San Antonio, Texas people plant them in the ground I’ve seen some pretty large ones!! I’d think you can do the same there!!!!!😊💕

Don’t think they would take the temperatures or the winds here Terri @terrimclaughlin

@pelly one step at a time! My poinsettias don’t usually get past December 27th 😂🤣

Maybe not. Yours is so bright red!!! Very pretty 👍🏻👍🏻😊💕
Late Autumn 2018

#poinsettiaday it must be Christmas! #houseplantsjoho

Beautiful! ♥️

It looks fantastic...👌👌👌

That's a very beautiful one Val!💘😍

What a beauty ❤️😍👍🏻😊

Lidl bargain June @rosiebug
#bestofnovember has got to be my 2018 #poinsettia which I”ve been persuading back to red through September, October and November. Work is finally paying off. Thanks for the advice @moore.794
Nice job👍
Good job!
Thanks @lesliecole @ckikka
Love that foliage!!
Well done!
Thanks Laney and Jacqui @laneygarden @awomanonabike
Gorgeous shot 😍😍