Fritillaria imperialis
Crown Imperial
Mid Spring 2020
- 3
Mid Spring 2020
- 3
Early Spring 2020
- 2
Late Winter 2019
- 5
Mid Spring 2018
- 6

Fritillaria imperialis
Mid Spring 2020
Mid Spring 2020

#thefinerdetail #crownimperial #fritillariaimperialis


Thanks @dirtgirlworld @Sesiltamen
Early Spring 2020

#crownimperial #lily my first #orange one. It’s a bit short but you’d never know from the picture 😉

Looking very tropical 😍
Late Winter 2019

Pleased to see this back for a second year, especially since I couldn’t save it from the heat last summer and it just shrivelled! #crownimperial #fritillariaimperialis #newgrowth

Keeping my fingers crossed for it flowering @angiie, it had such a poor end last year 🤞

I love them 😊mines come up again too,as well as some others that i popped in later last year whoo hoo! 💛💚💛💚💛💚

Spotted all mine starting to poke through the soil, hoping for a good display this year 🤞🏼

I have only got the one @angiie @richard.spicer.7906 testing to see if they do okay here, last summer was unusual so this year will give an idea of whether to go ahead with more.
Mid Spring 2018

Been on my wishlist for such a long time and now going to flower while I’m away 😏 #fritillariaimperialis #crownimperial

Typical! I lost mine to the cold ☹️, have a great time ☺️

Ohhh how annoying the weather has set everything back frustrating 💛💘💛 have a good holibobs 😎

Gorgeous 😍 it’s on my wish list now too N morning Val 😘

Need a time lapse camera setup 😜 thinking about it i'd actually love one!!

Wouldn’t that be great @shivydevon. Thanks @juliesgarden @Keely . Morning @greenfinger14 - they are stunners but smell a bit pungent!
So Mai Tai was a contender but I’ve wanted to grow orange crown imperials for so long and this year I did. So here’s my personal favourite #bestofapril #fritillariaimperialis
Gorgeous 🧡🧡