Lilium (Asiatic)
Lily (Asiatic)
Early Summer 2018
- 1
Late Spring 2017
- 11
Late Spring 2017
- 8
Mid Spring 2017
- 8
Late Summer 2016
- 5
Mid Summer 2016
- 7

Lilium (Asiatic)
Early Summer 2018
Late Spring 2017

Morning all. Bunch of #lillies anyone ? ☺

Morning Julie stunning lillies 😘

Fabulous Julie @vec love the way these add a splash of colour in the garden 😍 👌 😘

Morning Julie yes please 🏵🏵🏵

Morning Julie, beautiful 👍👍

Stunning colour!!

Morning Julie! Love that colour! Have a wonderful day! 😀

Morning Julie shame to pick them they look beautiful where they are 😍👌

Afternoon @daisy-jane @jadojado29 @keely @juliesgarden @Cazx @bigemrg and @janric No I couldn't bring myself to cut them. They last far longer outside than in a vase 😍

Mine are just starting to open

I've got others still in tight bud @Cazx they'll come out eventually 😍
Late Spring 2017

Good morning gt'ers. This #asiatic #lily is going to be gorgeous when all those buds burst open 🌺

Morning Julie, love them 😍😍

Morning Julie , beautiful 😍😍

Wow, look how many there are!

Gawjus 👍 mine haven't opened yet..don't think it will be long tho 😊

Morning Julie 😊 lovely 👌🏻 just waiting for mine to pop open 😍

Definitely great minds Julie. Gorgeous 😊😂

Morning Julie just gawjus one pot of mine has buds on but the other is a no go after the hailstone its very poorly will let it die back for next year now 🙄
Mid Spring 2017

Plant of the week at Morrisons for a £1 . Only orange in my store at the moment #mozzersclub

Morning Julie @vec Great price have they had a delivery I was there on Friday or might have been Saturday and there was not much in 😬. Hope your not to stiff & aching today after yesterday. Hope you have a lovely day 😘

Same in ours 😊

@jadojado29 I don't feel too bad today, bit achey but I've been at work most of the day. Looking forward to a day off on Wednesday 😉

@juliesgarden I see you've got a little haul too 😂

Yeh 😂😂🙄

Roll on Wednesday then Julie @vec at least you are 2 days working 1off then 2 days a nice break half way through the week 😘

Great buy 👌
Late Summer 2016
Mid Summer 2016

Asiatic lily #orange Another £1 bargain. Hoping these are the colour they are supposed to be this time 😀

Looking very lush shame they don't come in blue 😂😉🙊

#lily #bargain #newplants

Thought they'd be good little fillers in the right colours for me Steve @lamaisonbleueoleron. Someone on here had a blue one with a hint of purple on it. Will see if I can find it and tag you 😀

Bargain, love it when you get something beautiful at that price 👌👌👌

Morrisons have some good bargains. Aldi was charging £3.99 for the same

Fantastic 😀 😍
#asiatic #lily hiding in the shade