Cichorium intybus
Late Spring 2020
Late Summer 2019

Cataloguing five of these. Chicory. UK Native Wildflower. Purchased from Naturescape. Planted 29-08-19. #wildflower #native #uknative

The flowers are so pretty! Your wildflower patch is going to be beautiful next year 😍

@kez001uk aw thanks! Just hoping it survives! 78 plants later and I am hoping it looks spectacular but it was pretty tough working out where things should go! My brain hurts 🤷♀️

@victorial I’m not surprised it’s given you a headache! I get bored after planting a few pots so 78 would drive me batty 🤣 it really will look amazing though, you’ve put in so much work 😍

@kez001uk I keep telling myself it will be worth it in the end but at the time it is tedious! I much prefer the trips to the garden centre and the planting of a few but it’s the more expensive way to do it!

@victorial you’re so right, it’s a much more cost effective way to do things but does involve a lot more work and time waiting for things to mature. But that’s also half the fun, seeing the entire growth process ☺️

@kez001uk definitely!
Another of my wildflower plugs is flowering. This is chicory. Supposedly it is meant to grow 90/100cm or 3ft but mine are closer to 5.5ft. These are the first of the flowers but there are hundreds of buds. Super pretty! #blue #uknative #wildflower
Beautiful 💙🙂
Thanks @anges. I’m pleased with it. Bigger than expected but glorious and the bees already love it!