Saccharum officinarum, Sugar cane 'Striped Bengal'
Saccharum officinarum is a perennial true grass used in the production of sugar. It is native to Asia, but now cultivated throughout the tropics as a crop. It looks rather like bamboo cane, with tall stems 20-45 mm in diameter. The leaves are 70-150 cm long, up to 6 cm wide, and borne alternately on the stem, with the base of the leaf encircling the stem. The flower is a pinkish plume that arises above the foliage
Saccharum officinarum, Sugar cane
Saccharum officinarum is a perennial true grass used in the production of sugar. It is native to Asia, but now cultivated throughout the tropics as a crop. It looks rather like bamboo cane, with tall stems 20-45 mm in diameter. The leaves are 70-150 cm long, up to 6 cm wide, and borne alternately on the stem, with the base of the leaf encircling the stem. The flower is a pinkish plume that arises above the foliage
Sacred Bamboo, Nandina domestica
Nandina - Sacred Bamboo - is an evergreen shrub with a bamboo-like habit. It has reddish purple new foliage that ages to green and then, in Winter, becomes purplish again. In mid Summer white flowers appear, and these are followed by bright red berries. It can lose it's leaves after a cold winter but they will grow back in spring. Suitable for growing in a pot and a good background plant for a a subtropical theme. All parts of the plant are poisonous.
Sacred Bamboo 'Blush Pink', Nandina domestica 'Blush Pink'
Nandina - Sacred Bamboo - is an evergreen shrub with a bamboo-like habit. It has reddish purple new foliage that ages to green and then, in Winter, becomes purplish again. In mid Summer white flowers appear, and these are followed by bright red berries. It can lose it's leaves after a cold winter but they will grow back in spring. Suitable for growing in a pot and a good background plant for a a subtropical theme. All parts of the plant are poisonous. 'Blush Pink' leaves emerge pink and stay pink all through Summer. In Autumn they change to fiery shades of orange and red
Sacred bamboo 'Obsessed', Nandina domestica 'Obsessed'
Nandina - Sacred Bamboo - is an evergreen shrub with a bamboo-like habit. It has reddish purple new foliage that ages to green and then, in Winter, becomes purplish again. In mid Summer white flowers appear, and these are followed by bright red berries. It can lose it's leaves after a cold winter but they will grow back in spring. Suitable for growing in a pot and a good background plant for a a subtropical theme. All parts of the plant are poisonous. 'Obsessed' leaves emerge red and age to green
Sacred Bamboo 'Twilight', Nandina domestica 'Twilight'
Nandina - Sacred Bamboo - is an evergreen shrub with a bamboo-like habit. It has reddish purple new foliage that ages to green and then, in Winter, becomes purplish again. In mid Summer white flowers appear, and these are followed by bright red berries. It can lose it's leaves after a cold winter but they will grow back in spring. Suitable for growing in a pot and a good background plant for a a subtropical theme. All parts of the plant are poisonous. 'Twilight' has variegated bronze green and white foliage
Sacred Fig Tree, Ficus Religiosa
Said to get its name as the tree under which Buddha attained enlightenment, Ficus Religiosa is a large epiphytic tree. The tree seeds will sometimes germinate in crevices in the tree, and grow aerial roots that grow to the ground, and then root in the soil.
sage-leaved rock-rose,, Cistus salviifolius
Cistus is an evergreen, mound forming shrub with lots flowers which only last for a single day. They can be variegated but will revert to green if not pruned carefully by removing green shoots as they appear. Cistus salviifolius is an evergreen Shrub growing to 0.6 m at a fast rate. It is in flower from early summer. The flowers are hermaphrodite and is self-fertile. It is noted for attracting wildlife. The dried leaves are used as an adulterant for marjoram.
Sageretia, Chinese Sweet Plum (Bonsai)
Bonsai is ancient tradition of the Japanese for growing miniature trees or shrubs in containers. They are literally just a miniature form of the real thing. They can be shaped and made to look older than their years. Although size, ph, light requirements and frost hardiness have been given here, each of these actually depends on the requirements of the type of tree or shrub grown. 'Chinese Sweet Plum' is a flowering, fruiting tree. As a pot-grown bonsai it should be kept in a bright place out of direct sun, (as the sun might scorch the leaves). The plant will benefit from a humidity tray (a tray of wet gravel on top of which the bonsai's pot is placed). From early Summer, the pot can be placed in light shade outdoors. Re-pot every two years, or so, preferably in early Spring
Sagina subulata 'Aurea', Scotch Moss
Sagina subulata is a low-growing compact colour and texture plant. It is grown primarily for the lush foliage, soft feel and appearance. It will take light foot traffic.It is suitable as ground-cover, or along paths, between paving stones and cracks, or in small containers. Scotch Moss sports golden green, moss like foliage, dense and compact. Tiny white flowers.
Sagina subulata 'Crispy', Irish Moss 'Crispy'
Sagina subulata is a low-growing compact colour and texture plant. It is grown primarily for the lush foliage, soft feel and appearance. It will take light foot traffic.It is suitable as ground-cover, or along paths, between paving stones and cracks, or in small containers. 'Crispy' has deep green foliage and dainty little white flowers in Spring. Good groundcover plant.
Sagina subulata 'Irish Moss', Irish Moss
Sagina subulata is a low-growing compact colour and texture plant. It is grown primarily for the lush foliage, soft feel and appearance. It will take light foot traffic.It is suitable as ground-cover, or along paths, between paving stones and cracks, or in small containers. 'Irish Moss' spreads slowly to surround paths with a dense, evergreen emerald green carpet of tiny, soft feathery leaves studded with white flowers in mid-summer.
Sagina subulata 'Lime Moss', Irish Moss 'Lime Moss'
Sagina subulata is a low-growing compact colour and texture plant. It is grown primarily for the lush foliage, soft feel and appearance. It will take light foot traffic.It is suitable as ground-cover, or along paths, between paving stones and cracks, or in small containers. 'Lime Moss' has yellow-green leaves and, in Summer, single white flowers
Sagina subulata 'Supreme', Irish moss 'Supreme'
Sagina subulata is a low-growing compact colour and texture plant. It is grown primarily for the lush foliage, soft feel and appearance. It will take light foot traffic.It is suitable as ground-cover, or along paths, between paving stones and cracks, or in small containers. 'Supreme' is a low-growing compact, mat-forming, evergreen perennial with bright yellow-green leaves and, in Summer, single white flowers
Sago Palm, Cycas
Cycas, common name 'Sago Palm', is one of the most primitive living plants and is a popular ornamental. It forms a trunk, topped with feathery leaves. Often called "living fossils", Cycads have changed very little in the last 200 million years. Many are grown as indoor plants, but benefit from spending time outdoors in warmer, frost-free months
Saguaro Cactus, Carnegiea Gigantea
The saguaro cactus is a columnar stem which can grow to 60cm in diameter, with several large arms curving upward. The trunk and arms sport stout, two inch spines which protrude from their ribs. The saguaro is very slow growing but can reach a great height of up to 15m at an age of about 200 years! White Flowers.
Salal, Gaultheria shallon
Gaultheria are evergreen, often dioecious (i.e. each plant is either male or female - not both) shrubs with simple, rather leathery leaves. It bears small white or pink bell-shaped flowers that are followed by round fruits that are red, white or pink, or by a dry capsule with numerous small seeds. 'Shallon' has reddish, hairy stems, and bears small white or pink bell-shaped flowers followed by purple fruit if on a pollinated female plant.
Salicornia, Samphire
Samphire grows naturally on salt marshes and tidal flats in many parts of the United Kingdom. One of its common names is Sea Asparagus, because Its bright green stalks somewhat resemble asparagus spears. It grows prostrate to erect, with simple or branched succulent stems that are smooth, and apparently jointed, and thrives in salty conditions. It can be grown in the garden, or on a window-sill, even. Cook as you would asparagus, and use as a vegetable (particularly good with fish) or as a garnish. The plant self-seeds - if you are not too greedy with harvesting!
Salix, Willow
Willow trees can be upright, rounded, weeping, or dwarf. The bark varies in colour, depending on the variety, and the leaves are usually sage green on the top and paler on the underside, pointed at each end, and growing alternately along the twigs. In early Spring they bear tiny flowers, and catkins.
Salix 'Americana', Willow 'Americana'
Willow trees can be upright, rounded, weeping, or dwarf. The bark varies in colour, depending on the variety, and the leaves are usually sage green on the top and paler on the underside, pointed at each end, and growing alternately along the twigs. In early Spring they bear tiny flowers, and catkins. 'Americana' is a medium shrub with yellow / green new growth, that matures to a red-brown. Often grown for rustic furniture and trellises - when the shrub should be cut back every 3 or 4 years, so that the rods can grow to a good size
Salix Alba, Weeping White Willow
Willow trees can be upright, rounded, weeping, or dwarf. The bark varies in colour, depending on the variety, and the leaves are usually sage green on the top and paler on the underside, pointed at each end, and growing alternately along the twigs. In early Spring they bear tiny flowers, and catkins. Salix Alba - White Willow - is so named because the underside of the leaves is silvery-white.
Salix alba chermesina, Scarlet Willow
Willow trees can be upright, rounded, weeping, or dwarf. The bark varies in colour, depending on the variety, and the leaves are usually sage green on the top and paler on the underside, pointed at each end, and growing alternately along the twigs. In early Spring they bear tiny flowers, and catkins. 'Scarlet Willow' has bright scarlet young stems that are most attractive during the Winter. It forms more of a pyramid shape than most willows, and the bright red shoots make it an excellent choice for coppicing.
Salix Alba 'Golden Ness', White Willow 'Golden Ness'
Willow trees can be upright, rounded, weeping, or dwarf. The bark varies in colour, depending on the variety, and the leaves are usually sage green on the top and paler on the underside, pointed at each end, and growing alternately along the twigs. In early Spring they bear tiny flowers, and catkins. 'Golden Ness' is a golden-stemmed cultivar . It is vigorous, but can be kept in check by coppicing, which can reduce the height to around 2m, and causes the shrub to produce more colourful stems.