Plantain Lily
Mid Summer 2024
- 10
Late Spring 2024
- 4
Mid Spring 2021
- 5
Late Spring 2020
- 1
Late Spring 2020
- 7
Mid Spring 2020
- 1
Early Summer 2019
- 1

Mid Summer 2024
Late Spring 2024

Fragrant dream. I often overlook it as its at the far end of the garden in full shade. But she's a beauty #hostachallenge

It’s a gorgeous colour, Allison 💚 #hostachallenge2024

@jacaranda oops sorry 😂 didn't put the year. Yes, it's a lovely pale colour, not as showy as my others 😊

The less showy ones are often the nicest! 😀
Mid Spring 2021

@jacaranda these are planted in two different places. Would you say it's the same hosta, I'm asking you as I know you're the hosta expert 😊

Hi Allison. I would say that they’re different varieties. Although the colouring is the same on both of them the one on the right has a pointed leaf and the leaf on the left looks more oval. Once both plants are in full leaf you will be able to compare them and when they flower you’ll be able to compare the blooms, too. I hope this helps 🤞😘💚

@jacaranda ye I noticed the point and the oval. One is in a pot with Royal standard and disappears under it. I thought I could move it with the other one. It will still look OK anyway... I hope 😂

Why not move it into a pot of its own and see how it develops? If it’s a different variety to the other one then you’ll be better able to compare how they grow and flower. Just a suggestion 😘

@jacaranda thank you. I'll try it 😊
Late Spring 2020

#foliagefriday #hosta 💚
Late Spring 2020

@jacaranda would you be able to hazard a guess as to which hosta this is? My father gave it to me but he can't remember x

Now you’ve set me a challenge, Allison! Did he buy it in a garden centre or from a specialist Hosta nursery? (It might help me narrow down the choices 🤞) 💚

I'm guessing a nursery, he used to be a landscape gardener though so they could be from anywhere. He's nearly 70 now so his memory isn't great x

@jacaranda it will probably help if it flowers I'm guessing? 🤔

I’ve found two possibles, Allison, so I’ll post them now as a collage and tag you. Let me know if you think one of them might be similar to yours. The flower colour will be a deciding factor, of course, although yours could be something completely different to the ones I’ve found! 🤞🤞

@jacaranda oh thank you so much. I see your posts and I knew you'd be the one to ask. You're the hosta queen 👑

Thank you! I do like a challenge especially when it comes to Hostas!! 🤣🤣
Mid Spring 2020

#hosta love the foliage on them 💚 #hostaholic
Early Summer 2019

Another beautiful hosta x
The good the bad and the ugly, hosta edition! Some perfect, some absolutely massacred!
Massacred by what? Where I live the usual culprit is someone planting them in full sun...
Slugs, they decimate hostas!
Massacred or not you have a great selection there, Allison! 💚
@emch don’t you have a slug and snail problem in your area? 🤔
Absolutely not, @jacaranda even after getting so much rain this year that the backyard squelches!
@emch you are so lucky! It’s been a nightmare for gardeners over here as the winter wasn’t cold enough and the spring was wet. Ideal conditions for the little blighters to thrive and multiply. 😡
@jacaranda wildflower part of the garden has failed again this year so I'm doing a hosta theatre! More hostas to buy 😊
Good decision! 👍👍
#Collage #Hosta-Collage #Collage-hosta