Ananas comosus
Early Autumn 2019
- 2
Mid Summer 2019
- 3
Mid Spring 2019
- 3
Mid Spring 2019
- 2
Early Autumn 2018
- 7
Early Summer 2018
- 3
Mid Spring 2018
- 7
Early Spring 2018
- 3
Late Summer 2017
- 7
Early Summer 2017
- 12
Late Spring 2017
- 1
Late Autumn 2016
- 6

Ananas comosus
Early Autumn 2019
Mid Summer 2019

Anyone know about this growth? So I haven’t paid to much attention to my pineapple plant this year. Actually thought I was going to lose it due to all the rain we had this year. Pulled out a couple of weeds in the pot to find these at the bottom.

Are they new pups perhaps? I think Pineapples produce offsets at the base 🤔

Yes, pups!
Mid Spring 2019

This plant will be 3 years old this fall. Look back though the pics to see it from a pineapple top. Some how I managed not to kill it 🤣

Mid Spring 2019

Taking my pineapple outside today.

Looks great
Early Autumn 2018

My pineapple top has come a long way. Just brought it inside until next summer. Getting down in the 40s at night now.

It is two years old now.

@ambitiouswolf I am so thankful you posted this. I have a newly rooted plant and would have never thought to have taken it in for the winter. It would have never survived our Midwest winter. THANK YOU!

Wow! Mine is the same age. Yours looks great, so many leaves!

@petitelake make sure to bring it in well before you get frost. They don’t like it cold. The first plant I had I put outside to early and the colder weather killed it. Now it’s mainly outside during summer. At least in the 50s at night before I take it outside and back in when it drops into the 40s at night

@Psithurism I didn’t use a pineapple out of the grocery store for my top. I had bought a pineapple plant that had the pineapple already growing. When the little pineapple was ripe I cut it off. I cut the top off the little pineapple and planted it in a small pot. The top was still a lovely green when it was planted. If you scroll back on the pics you will see when I first planted it.

Thanks @ambitiouswolf
Early Summer 2018

Noticed my pineapple leaves are turning yellow. Found that even In This heat when all my pots are going bone dry for some reason it was very wet. I don’t remember what soil I used at the time. So I have repotted it with cactus dirt. I hope it will have a come back. 🤞

Have Noticed that kind of effects with Plastic Pots for soil to stay wet for longer duration

Mid Spring 2018

Just updating pic of my pineapple plant.

Beautiful Shot
Very beautiful plant

I also have a pineapple's small seedling now, so I look forward to seeing👀 and reading📝 your next updating about them🎵

@gjones do you still have you pineapple plant?

@petitelake This is my pineapple top. You can scroll through the pics to see when I started it. Mine was the top of a little pineapple I cut off of my first pineapple plant. And I put it straight into the dirt.

@ambitiouswolf wow, yiur pineapple plant is beautiful. Looks very healthy.
Early Spring 2018

Just doing an update on my pineapple plant.

Looking good. I did one for my mother and she enjoyed a small pineapple about 3-4 years later!!👍🏻🤗😊💕

This looks very happy😊
Late Summer 2017

Just brought my pineapple inside for the winter. It is already cooling off here in ohio.

Nice Decision 😊

Omg I know here to! Leaves have started turning

We are quite a bit farther north than you and still up to 30°C this week. 😕 Love your pineapple. I just planted the cut top of a storebought fruit to see if I could root it. Fingers crossed. 😊

@rockyshores. They are easy to grow. Mine was started from the top of a pineapple I got off my first pineapple plant. This plant is almost a year old. I am sure yours will do fine.


@ambitiouswolf, @rockyshores: I have two that I bought from the grocery store in June and July. They have both started rooting in August and new leaves 🍃 have started on one out of two. 🤗❤️🦋
Early Summer 2017

Updated pic of my pineapple plant. Started from a pineapple top last fall.

@elie2012. This is a current photo of my pineapple plant. Slide the pic to the side and you can see the older photos of the plant. Including the day I planted it.

Wow! That's brilliant 👏 I tried one once but it just shriveled up. You might just get fruit off it 👍

@jeatacake. Thanks. I hope to get a pineapple from it. But not looking for it this year.

@ambitiouswolf wowwww its amazing hope my pineapple will grow like that

@elie2012. I'm sure it will. They are easy to tend too. They don't require much of anything. Water and sun. I look forward to seeing your plants progress. 😁

My mom and i are doing these too! Is it normal for some of the leaves originally on the top to go brown after a while? It happened right after she put it in soil

@kipcott. It can. Do you have a pic of it?

I don't know if you follow brightcolour but she is growing one with air rooting I lost my pics of doing them this way she was interested in this method. There really good and mine didn't get store size but it was super sweet. Yours look really good and healthy

@terrimclaughlin. Thanks. The first plant that I bought had the pineapple I used the top of for the second plant. It was a small pineapple. I don't like pineapple so I didn't try it. I got the plant originally because my husband loves pineapple 🍍. I think he was afraid to try it. 😆

I wish I can grow such plants where I live but alas our UK climate doesn't fit well with such tropical plants. Lovely pineapple plant you have there!

@ayemjack. Some people of grown them inside. If you have a window that gets a lot of sun you could try it that way. I have to bring mine inside before the first frost. Started mine inside. And it was inside for time I planted it in fall to late spring of this year.
Late Spring 2017

I repotted my pineapple top. The mother plant unfortunately didn't survive do to me putting it outside to early and cold weather killed it. But this plant is the top of the pineapple that grew on the other plant. I didn't realize how much it had grown until I looked at the first pic I took when I planted the top.
Late Autumn 2016

My little pineapple from my pineapple plant turned yellow. So I cut the pineapple off the plant. And I decided I wanted to try planting the top of the pineapple to grow another plant.

@gjones. You will have to keep me update on the progress of your avocados.

Was it edible?

@lesliecole49. I don't know. I don't like pineapple. So I'm waiting to see if my husband who loves pineapple is brave enough to try it.

I just planted a pineapple about 3 weeks ago, but can't tell whether it's growing or not 😕 Yours looks much healthier!

Well it is that time of the year...😕. Going to get down in the 40s this week at night. Time to start moving plants back inside for the winter. Starting with the pineapple plant.
@ambitiouswolf brought mine in last week and repotted. It loved being outside over the summer !🍍