Ananas comosus
Early Summer 2017
Early Spring 2017

My very 1st home-grown pineapple fruit 🤗

How long did it take to grow from when you planted it?

@ashlee1309 so I made this plant from an actual fruit top , 2 years and a half ago and this is the 1st fruit 🙂

I've seen some videos showing how you just cut and use part of the top. Very patient of you! If only my climate would allow me to grow one!

Yes very simple just cut the bottom part and let it sit in water until you see some roots lol, you can still try 😊

Wow! I gotta try that! What's your climate like?

Los Angeles I wanna say it ranges from 9 to 11 ,we get all stations @mi_paraiso

On the very bottom of the fruit there is another pineapple plant starting. When you cut the fruit off of this mother plant make sure you also plant that little one.

@skellyshelly I thought it was another pineapple fruit coming out ha ha ,thanks will do 😉

Eventually it will be another pineapple fruit but it will take a couple of years first. The good news is this offshoot will produce a standard size fruit where the fruit you're growing now is smaller than the original one from which you got your top to start the plant, @naturelover2188 . Here in Southwest Florida I have to cut the fruits earlier than I would like to because too many things like to eat pineapple.

Great info. Thanks @skellyshelly ha ha seems like you have competition over pineapples in florida 😁

Raccoons, squirrels, rats, and rabbits all will eat pineapple @naturelover2188. Even birds will peck at it. If I've waited 2 years to get a pineapple fruit then I better be the one to be eating it, not the wild animals! Hahaha
There's nothing better than homegrown crops 😍
Wow that's pretty cool. How old is your plant? @naturelover2188
How long did it take you to grow this? This is pretty awesome I must say!!!
Looks wonderful!
@570upcycle my plant is 3 years old
@drea0508 hi, I started this plant from a regular pineapple topper bought at the store , it took a little less than 3 years for it to develop a fruit, it takes less time when is planted in The ground or when the plant comes from a mother plant.
@LSeastrom1219 honestly I didn't do much just give it plenty of sun and enough water in the hot season, don't water often during cold weather ,it would do best in ground but mine is in a 20gl pot and it did just fine ,if you want to use fertilizer opt for organic compost ,good luck with your pineapples 😊
@naturelover2188 I was expecting 5-10 years, I better get started... where to find a 20 gallon container... Wonder if I could grow a tropical paradise out of a garbage can!?
@570upcycle I got this one from my local nursery but I'm sure the trash can would work just fine, in this case the bigger container the better for your plant🌱
That's go freaking awesome!!! 🍍