Early Spring 2019
- 17
Late Autumn 2018
- 9
Mid Autumn 2018
- 10
Mid Autumn 2018
- 18
Mid Autumn 2018
- 13
Early Autumn 2018
- 11
Late Summer 2018
- 1
Late Summer 2018
- 5
Late Summer 2018
- 11
Late Summer 2018
- 3
Late Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2018
- 7
Mid Summer 2018
- 1

Early Spring 2019
Late Autumn 2018

Oops! Just checked on my dahlia and it seems to have sprouted and grown roots. I’m assuming it’s ina place too warm? What do you advise? @richard.spicer.7906 #advice

Yes, too warm. Maybe worth potting it up now & keeping it on a windowsill until late spring?

Oh dear 😳 , yes possibly where it’s been mild recently it’s got a bit warm and started sprouting. I wouldn’t worry about the roots, but would be tempted to cut of the shoot. Not had to do this before so not entirely sure if that’s correct. Although I don’t think I would pot it up now, it’s probably better left in the bag 🤔 - let me have a read up and see what I can find

I cut mine off and potted them as cuttings and stuck the main tuber in the raised bed for winter

@richard.spicer.7906 thanks. Any info will be gravely appreciated!! 👍🏼😊

Morning Alison, from what I’ve read so far, the consensus appears to leave them be and see if you can move them to a colder environment. Needs to be less than 10, and ideally 5 may be better. The potential risk of cutting of the sprout is that you introduce infection unless you repeat the drying process again to ensure the wound is fullly dry and callous over. If it starts to rot off anyway then when you see it remove the rotten sprout and hopefully it will dry off.

The mild weather hasn’t helped but give it a couple of weeks and the temps will drop as normal 🤞🏼 - remind me where you have them stored again?

I have mine in my loft, but a shed or garage can also be fine. Just as long as it’s not at risk of getting frosted

It was in the cupboard under the stairs @richard.spicer.7906 which I had thought was cold but evidently not. Looks like it’ll have to be the shed or plastic greenhouse. Don’t know if frost gets in there but hopefully not! Thanks for your help. I might cut the old stalks off as they might be going a bit mouldy.
Mid Autumn 2018

#dahlia last question, I promise!! 😂 @richard.spicer.7906 Do the stems need to be cut further down now or covered up or is this ok like this?!! #overwinter

Oooh well done, I'm being extremely lazy and leaving mine potted indoors to see what happens🙈

maybe a little, say an inch? I don’t like to get too close to the neck where the stem meets the tuber.

Ok will be careful if I do! Thanks again and fingers crossed it makes it!! 🤞🏼😊 @richard.spicer.7906

@Denise16 I have no idea what I'm doing and just following @richard.spicer.7906 advice!! Full trust in it!! 😊


Not sure it should be in a plastic bag though Alison 🤔🤔

Ahh, I see now 🙄🙄

I don't blame you, I come here for so much advice, it's the best place. I have bought some Dahlia seeds in case my experiment doesn't work🤣

@pelly @Denise16 I have no idea if they'll survive though!! I also have some seeds for next year in case 😊😂
Mid Autumn 2018

@bandicoot You were correct, it was in some kind of casing so when I washed the soil off I could see and feel it and peeled it off! Thanks for the heads up

@richard.spicer.7906 @kimmy01 @mich @suerichards I found some tubers after all! Phew! And they are firm!! So now it’s drying out for a few days on paper and then I’ll follow your tip Richard for storing it over winter. Would I need to separate these tubers at all or do they just stay like this!!

#dahlia 04/11/18

Hey how to collect dalhia seeds. I've to buy every year in winter

That's awesome glad you found some I still need to dig mine up 😮 Hopefully will get it dome today or tomorrow 🏵🏵🏵🏵🏵

Yay! 😄👏🏼👏🏼 I would keep them together in one clump, they look too small to divide this year 👍🏼 but it should work

@jyotu I've dug mine up to overwinter the tubers. Then I'll plant them back out in spring.

@kimmy01 even though it was raining today, I really enjoyed myself out in the garden! Normally I'm a fair weather gardener!! 😊

@richard.spicer.7906 Thanks for your help 😊

Sorry can't understand. I need a full details

@jyotu https://m.wikihow.com/Overwinter-Dahlias does this help at all?

Thank you
Mid Autumn 2018

#advice #dahlia #advice-dahlia OK so I think this is a bedding dahlia and I’ve now dug it up to overwinter it. But I can’t see any tubers? I thought they still developed tubers? It’s now drying out. What do I need to do next?

I need to get down the allotment and get all mine up, no tubers? 🤔 Not sure maybe rinse all the soil of and see if you can find some not sure.

It hasn’t got any tubers yet because it’s so young Alison it won’t keep if there’s no tubers I’m afraid the roots will just dry out..the only thing you can do if you want to keep it is keep it potted and protected in the greenhouse and see if it makes it over the winter 😘

Ok I'll investigate it further to double check for tubers tomorrow and if not I'll repot it and keep it in the greenhouse or shed. 👍🏼 @mich

If it's one you brought from a gc or supermarket check if it's been grown in a jiffy pellet. I dug up 2 of mine and found out they had and found small tubers all bunched up inside.

Ah interesting! Thanks @bandicoot I’ll definitely do a thorough but careful investigation tomorrow 👍🏼😊

I would agree with the above advice, it may be very small root tubers, but you will need to carefully remove all the soil to check. Even Dahlias grown from cuttings will form a root tuber/s in their first year but size will depend on the care throughout the year and how much energy it had to form them 👍🏼 - if it’s got them, keep about 4-6 inches of the stems, then turn it upside down and let it dry for a couple of days before storing.

Ok great. @richard.spicer.7906 How would you store them?

Well... that’s a very interesting question. I’ll be honest, i probably don’t store them the conventional way but it works for me. Many others will follow a different way. I used to lose a lot of my tubers as they dehydrated too much over winter, so I store mine in sandwich bags with air holes punched in them, using very lightly moist old compost sealed up and kept in the loft. Once every 3-4 weeks I then regularly rotate the bags to just check they are ok. All my tubers stayed very plump last yr

I’ll tag you in a pic if I can find it 👍🏼

Great help, thanks. Should the tubers be hard or soft when/if I find any tomorrow? @richard.spicer.7906

Firm - if they are soft they might be rotten. Think of it like the firmness of a potato 🥔 😁
Early Autumn 2018

And this #dahlia is much more of an orange than the photo shows. 😊 still going strong. I need the pot for my bulbs but don't want to rush the frosts along too soon! 04/10/18

@bluefox I know what you mean Alison. Might pot a few up today ☺

You can plant bulbs well into November and December. No need to rush ☺

I know @ublaszko but I'm just sooo impatient!! 😂

Hope you managed to pot some up @anges 😊

@bluefox23 No I didn't get round to it! Hoping the weekend weather will be nice and I will be inspired to start a few daffodil n muscari bulbs then. 💙💛💙💛

You can come and help me tidy up my garden 😂😂

That's my plan too! @anges 😊

I'm impatient for the good stuff, like planting!! I procrastinate when it come to tidying!! 😂😂 @ublaszko

@bluefox23 Great minds think alike 😀

All these petals have dropped now! Overnight it would seem!
Late Summer 2018

#dahlia #tubertuesday It's actually more orange than this photo shows. Totally rain soaked but brightening up the morning 😊 18/09/18
Late Summer 2018

#dahlia #tubertuesday Gorgeous and full of blooms. 😊 But something is munching on the leaves!! 😡 18/09/18

Lot of mine are the same probably slugs

Yes I thought as much, little wotsits, to put it politely!! 😂 @jaynehynesburton

Horrible things, they love dahlias 😈

I didn't have a problem with the dahlias I had last year! So thought I was lucky!! 😂 @jaynehynesburton
Late Summer 2018

#mondaymotivation of which I need a lot of at the moment!! Lots of flowers on my #dahlia 🌼💛 10/09/18

@Jasonsparkes1 👍🏼 The thing is I know once I get going I'm fine but it's just the getting going in the morning!! I am not a morning person!! 😂😂

Me too, can't seem to get going today 😴

Well that's a start I guess!! 😂😂 @Jasonsparkes1

Me too too cold to go outside grrrr gawjus dahlia you know I love these 💘💘💘

@Keely Thanks. I wish I'd bought more than one as they were only £1 at the time!!

That's a bargain too 😣

Lovely! I’m still waiting for buds to form on most of mine 😆

Thanks! I lost my others last winter so hopefully be able to save this tuber to enjoy it fully next year!!!! 🤞🏼 @richard.spicer.7906

Yes, and hopefully bigger and better next year too 😊

Thanks yes 😊 @richard.spicer.7906
Late Summer 2018
Late Summer 2018

New buds opening on my #dahlia 30/08/18
Mid Summer 2018

#dahlia unknown variety. Hope I get more flowers on it soon. 18/08/18

Stunning Alison @bluefox23

Thanks Gary. So glad I bought it yesterday. 😊 @vinny3000

Its beautiful Alison @bluefox23

Thanks @columbiariver 😊

Pretty flower... btw.. Thanks for all the likes, have a good rest of the day!!

Thanks. @kamaki and you too.
Mid Summer 2018

#dahlia any id? no id on label other than dahlia? #plantid 17/08/18
I know it’s a pot of compost!! 😂😂 I’ve potted up my dahlia. Is it best to leave it inside until frosts have finished? Or do you think it would cope in the plastic greenhouse? #dahlia #advice #advice-dahlia 22/03/19
If there was a prize for best looking pot of compost😆
Beautiful! Real showstopper hehe couldn't resist! Cant wait to see the after pic 😁
I leave all mine in summerhouse over night but bring them outside to dry out a bit during day if they don't dry out with humidity in greenhouse can cause tubers to rot
I did one of mine yesterday 😆 I don't have a shed or greenhouse so I'm going to keep it indoors for now. No idea what I'm doing 😅😅
Thanks @Denise16 🙄😂😂 it does look pretty good
I just hope the dahlia does ok in it @cazstaks 🤞🏼😊
@Keely ok I’ve got it inside for now but think I’ll do the same as you in a week or so.
@ublaszko I don’t know what I’m doing either as the ones I had before didn’t survive the winter which is why I bought this one last year. Don’t know if I can be bothered with the pfaff but I do love the flowers of dahlias! Just realised I’ve got some dahlia seeds so I’ll have more tubers to sort out next autumn!! 🙄
Fine in a cold greenhouse Alison , just don’t put out until frosts over 👍
Great Julie @juliesgarden Thanks. Will put it in there over the weekend.
I have mine outside with a lathe plastic bottle over it 🙏🏻