Plantain Lily
Mid Spring 2022
- 1
Mid Spring 2021
- 2
Mid Spring 2021
- 1
Late Summer 2015
- 14

Mid Spring 2022
Mid Spring 2021
Mid Spring 2021

#hosta #foliagefriday 💚💚
Late Summer 2015

I have just acquired this Hosta and being a novice Hosta grower does anyone have any tips for keeping the slugs and snails away PLEASE !!!!

If you grow it in a pot you can by copper tape to put round pot.its said eggshells or gravel.i have ninja slugs and nothing stops them.good luck

Thanks @angeldawn 😃

Ninja slugs I like that 😀. Just keep a close eye on them too 👀

I put heaps of slug pellets round my hosta's it helps to a degree 🐌not eaten as much as usual 👍😀

I've got a family of hedge hogs, never see slugs or snails.

Lucky you @garyg having hogs🐌

I've also heard the same as @angeldawn that you can put a band of copper tape around the pot.

Slug pellets will harm wildlife so try other options first🐸🐞🐝🙀

I have copper tape around my veg trug managed to cut myself quite badly on it, so go careful. The slugs round here still get over it they are HUGE too 🚑

Thanks for the warning @debs69 and the info @linfoster I really dont like slug pellets will try every option 👍👍

Thanks @linfoster x
#hosta #foliagefriday #hostachallange