Dionaea muscipula
Early Autumn 2017
Mid Summer 2017

My husband's #venusflytrap poor thing was eaten by squirrels but is slowing coming back to life! #before #squirrel #baby #venusflytraps

Cool plant!

Thank you! It's my husband's pride and joy so I'll pass this along to him! 😍🌵

😍😍 My husband wanted one so bad so of course I bought him one (lol...brat!) It's still in it's original small terrarium. Do I HAVE to get a terrarium or a simple pot?

Honestly I don't think it needs a terrarium. I don't think that would be very healthy for it. These are a swamp based plant and need constant source of water (we use rain water due to tap water having to many harsh chemicals). We have ours in the original pot we got it in but ALWAYS have the pot in rain water
My husband's Venus has opened a few traps this morning after yesterday and today of having the tent. It's amazing how little things really make a difference! ##smallspace #small #carnivorousplants #carnivorous #closeup #recycle #recycling #venusflytrap
Now the venus fly traps are going to need to stay cool when it gets Nov through about March. Very cool....so they can go dormant.
You don't need to keep them warm
Like maybe out into a baggie and into the fridge cold? I think the coldest it'll be in our home during the winter will be is maybe 64/65°