Philadelphus 'Belle Etoile' syn. Philadelphus x lemoinei 'Belle Etoile'
Mock orange 'Belle Etoile'
Early Summer 2019
- 2
Late Spring 2018
- 16
Mid Spring 2018
- 7
Late Autumn 2017
- 1
Late Spring 2017
- 2
Late Spring 2017
- 5

Philadelphus 'Belle Etoile' syn. Philadelphus x lemoinei 'Belle Etoile'
Early Summer 2019
Late Spring 2018

😃 It has a scent this year!! #mockorange

Yay!!! 🎉🎉🎉

Can't believe it! I was sneering at it before I smelt it😂 @ublaszko

There's still hope then that my unscented mock orange will be scented after all.

Yes 🤞😃 @ublaszko

My mock orange seems to be stuck in slow motion. The flowerbuds have been there for about a month now 😅 Cheeky orange 😂

Heehee. It's funny only my lower buds have opened, all the top ones are in slow mo @ublaszko


Denise, it turns out mine were even mock orange. Poundland mislabeled their deutzia as mock orange 😅 So now I have two non-stop deutzias and I still need mock orange. 😂 Not getting shrubs from Poundland again as this is the 3rd time they've mislabeled a plant.

Oh no🙈 I'm still not really sure what mine is, real or mock🤔 The flowers did smell nice but you had put your nose right up to them.

@ublaszko forgot to add your name to last comment 😊

Yours is definitely mock orange. I see the same variety at Newcastle University and you can smell them from a few steps away.
Mid Spring 2018

I have this as a mock orange but am not sure now as last year it didn't have a scent🤔 #plantid

It looks like mock orange to me. I think the new stems are glossy brown but probably just appear red in sunshine. It will flower soon anyway.

Btw, my mock orange didn't have scent either last year and I've read there's an American species of mock orange called Philadelphus inodorous (Scentless mock orange). I've since learnt that the best variety for scent is Philadelphus virginal.

I was thinking that but I didn't plant one, it's stems are just as bright though, thanks Jason @Jasonsparkes1

@ublaszko Thanks for info, last year I was sure I'd previously planted a mock orange but thought maybe the label was wrong due to no scent. Darn trust me to buy a scentless one 🙄 It has beautiful white flowers though. I've no room for a virginal 🙈

@ublaszko I've just looked at your mock orange post and we had a convo about it last year 😁

Yes, I remember having a conversation about it with you last year 😁 I bought a 2nd mock orange last month but I still don't know if it's a scented one 😅
Late Autumn 2017

Late Spring 2017
Late Spring 2017

Help me identify this plant

Evening Denise looks like Philadelphus Belle etoile 😍 my favourite one 👍😊

So it is thanks Sam! I look forward to it filling out😊@icedance

Oh it will and it will fill your garden with the most amazing fragrance 💕 I first fell in love with this one when I was a small child in my grandfathers garden .. it is a very evocative and meaningful plant for me 😍

That's wonderful to hear 🤗
Good glorious morning GT ☀️☀️☀️
Beautiful. Love this one, had it in my first garden, no idea why I haven’t got one here! 🙈