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Living in the Lake Macquarie area on the NSW Central Coast, enjoying our 6 acres of paradise with a large variety of plants..
Help me identify this #plantid please @bel @brightcolours @leisel
@nej... any clues?
I keep coming back to a loquat? @Doicee
@leisel I'm not sure but will keep an eye on it.. After having a search it does resemble the loquat - only time will tell 😁
Its loquats i have one when in fruit cover with net ir u will have the bsys over 4 dinner
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Help me identify this #plantid please @bel @brightcolours @leisel
@nej... any clues?
I keep coming back to a loquat? @Doicee
@leisel I'm not sure but will keep an eye on it.. After having a search it does resemble the loquat - only time will tell 😁
Its loquats i have one when in fruit cover with net ir u will have the bsys over 4 dinner