Late Spring 2016
- 17
Late Spring 2016
- 12
Late Spring 2016
- 9
Mid Spring 2016
- 10
Early Spring 2016
- 13
Early Spring 2016
- 11
Late Winter 2016
- 9

Late Spring 2016
Late Spring 2016

Happy Friday GT friends! I know I'm a bit of a bore with this #peony but now it's out, isn't it a beauty!!!


They take forever and then they are stunning, hate if it rains and they flop and fall apart

It is lovely! I keep going out and shouting nicely at mine!

The one in my front garden has flowered and gone. I have t in the back that haven't opened yet.

It's beautiful @Dougal

That should have said 5 in the back garden!

love the colour

Hope mine will look as beautiful when the buds open @Dougal

Hi Dougal😊

Mine are just getting ready to open yours is a lovely colour

Beautiful!!! I love peonies!!!!💕
Late Spring 2016

Well here comes #peony number two... 👯

Gorgeous :)

Gorgeous, hope mine will come this year.

Nearly there worth the wait.🐝

#bud #pink

Great photo!

Look at me now @ellenmarygardening 😃📷👯

Tah dah!!! 😆👍🏻💕 Gorgeous! Hooray! And that colour is fabulous 😃

Beautiful 🌿👍😀
Mid Spring 2016

First, rather dinky and dishevelled #peony flower! I'm liking the cut of his jib and now rather looking forward to meeting his friends 🌺🌺👍👍👌

You're peonies are way ahead of mine. No blooms yet here.😞

Mine are still tiny😟

Wow what a beauty 🌻

Beautiful :)

There's no telling on opening time's one of mine opened over a week ago the other only opened yesterday? Still a amazing bloom any size👍
Have just bought my first peony plant

My pink one has buds but still small.

Mine has only got leaves no sign of any buds yet, but keeping my fingers crossed! Lol. Xx

Love this x
Early Spring 2016

#peonyrace update!!! - we're going great guns at the mo - so much so, Ellie wanted in!!!!

Ellie photobombing 📷👍 looks like she on guard duty 😊

Ellie looks proud of her work 😍

Guarding the newcomers, with real intensity. Bless her!!

Late entry into #pets

I love this picture

Loving the dog cant wait for the peony to flower. Im a newbie by the way

Welcome @Rosa - hope you have fun. If I could offer one little tip - follow as many people as you can. They're all very lovely and the more you follow, the more help, tips, fun & inspiration you'll get!

Thanks dougalhead i will do. Moving house soon so hope to plan a new cottage garden so may need some help with flowers.

You need to know direction of sun aspect in a new garden@Rosa, and plan what is there and highlight what you want to keep. And type of soil.

#pets #dog

Not sure of the sun direction yet til we move in or soil. But cant wait for a new beginning.
Early Spring 2016

She's on her way...

Love the anticipation!

No sigh of mine yet

More forward than mine

might be cos I'm in Sunny Bournemouth perhaps??? #cathy #tina

I've heard it said there's micro climate triangle around there, is it true? @dougalhead

Mine are like that and I'm on the northeast of England !

Mine are further on about 8" in height already 😳 I'm sure that's not normal 🤔

Right, I'm thinking we need a peony race - my money's on #mojo (but quietly confident of my own chances!!!)🏇🏇🏆🏆😀😀👯

😀👌🏼 #newgrowth

Late Winter 2016

Help me identify this plant - this grows very quickly this time every year and is beautiful - can't wait for all its glory!

Looks like a peony does it have blousy flowers?

A very beautiful dark pink flower that stays for a few weeks. Looking on google I think you're right #joanboston

Could be peony, make sure they don't get nibbled 😊

How can I stop the nibbling #ellenmarygardening?

Never had a problem with mine being munched

#peony #newgrowth

@ellenmarygardening 🔼

@Dougal how are these doing now? Peonies or perhaps Lilies? Or...munched?! 😬
More peony action from before they bloomed
Love these , one of my favourites 👍
I have the peony envy!
Stunning colour 🌺
Hey @Dougal, any idea how long peonies take to flower, or how big they have to be?
Beautiful and super colour
I have had a peony for years and never flowered but this year it has flower buds so once it opens I will take a photo.
It's lovely
Lovely colour
Hi @echium - my gardening is haphazard at best so I'm possibly not the best person to ask. However, We inherited this peony when we moved in 10 years ago - it just appears cn Spring, flowers and then is gone by Autumn, without a trace. Mine only ever grows to about knee high and this year, only given me 2 flowers (so far). 🌺
I cannot get my peony plant to bloom it's healthy and over knee high any suggestions?
Hi I'm a new member - I have a couple of peonies one has bloomed and the other is still in bud. They can take 5 years and sometimes longer to become established and bloom in my experience. But they're worth waiting for .