Early Spring 2020
Late Winter 2019

Help me identify this plant Is this a Peony, it's in a pot, can they live in pots, Thankyou 😘

I have had a couple of tree peonies in pots for years and they do very well! It looks like a nice healthy plant to me!

Shall I leave it then Dan and what do you feed it @dan5584

I always give mine a good helping of bonemeal and seems to do the trick! What I did notice was that I see to have another plant growing in the same pot, I removed it and the peony created a lot for flowers that year. So as long as it’s not too crowded and give it some feed I think it will be just fine!

Thanks so much Dan 😀 @dan5584

Definitely peony! 💮

Thanks Kari 😀 @KariSamuel
Hi Jayne, yours is so more advanced than mine! I thought I had lost it 😯 noticed a small shoot yesterday 🤗 hope you are ok and staying safe @jaynehynesburton
Gorgeous foliage! #foliagefriday
Oh that’s gonna be a stunner! ❤️
Thanks Lily, yes really lovely @waterlily
Thanks Dan, last year I'd just found it under a big pile of rubbish, so looking forward to seeing it @dan5584
Hi Debs, which one is it do you know. I'm OK lovely, my 3rd week inside, it's hard but I'm staying busy. Stay safe too Debs 😘 @debs69
I think it might be Sarah Bernhardt Jayne, glad you are ok and keeping busy 😘 @jaynehynesburton
Beautiful ❤️
Thanks Marilyn 😊 @lovemygarden65
That's going to be a beauty ❤❤❤
Hope so Keels 😘 @Keely
Beautiful new growth ❤️