Mid Summer 2023
Mid Summer 2017

I don't mind the occasional sawfly or other pests in the garden. I deal with them if neccessary and share if they aren't too greedy. But each time I find a caterpilar, I hope it's a butterfly in disguise. I'm seeing increasing numbers of these, and that's a good start, but I would really love to be visited by other types as well. @ofthought @treefrog44

Very pretty! I know what you mean keeping the bad guys around in case they are one of the good guys. @treefrog44

Grow the host plants for the butterflies in your area, in addition to the nectar plants...I started with milkweed, I have lots of monarchs everyday

I guess need to do some research @treefrog44. I know some caterpilars feed on nettles, so I allow some of those. Will have to find out what else I should include. Once I found a furcula on my salix. Not quite a butterfly, but still exciting.

Buddleia is Amazing. Butterflies bound to come. Caterpillars are seasonal

The butterfly in your pic looks to be an admiral butterfly...it's host plant is false nettle.. common garden herbs are host for swallowtails, like dill and parsley and fennel. Its good to have a balance of good and bad in the garden, you create an open door for more critters to come and check it out or move in your garden 💕

Thank you @treefrog44, this is so cool! It is very kind of you to be sharing your knowledge like this. I just googled admiral butterflies and it turns out that in Norway they only live 24-48 hours due to the weather conditions. In that case I realize that most sightings have probably been of different individuals, so the numbers must be larger than I thought. Not cutting down those nettles any time soon! @gjones
We’ve had a bit of wind… Snapped buddleia branches crowding the yucca flower stalk.
We’ve had a lot of wind here too. Everything lies along the ground now. It’s so frustrating when you’ve put so much work into it.
True @ulrikagustafsson it is heartbreaking. We are used to wind, but this time of year, with everything green and in bloom, it just feels worse
You’re absolutely right, much worse.