Living Stones
Early Spring 2020
- 1
Late Winter 2020
- 1
Mid Winter 2020
- 2
Mid Winter 2020
- 4
Mid Summer 2019
- 5

Early Spring 2020
Late Winter 2020

Alright this is a great time for an update, they’re quickly finishing up their splits. A few are a bit confused but I’m hoping to coax them into splitting early next year :P #lithopssplitting
Mid Winter 2020

A much needed update! You’ll notice the cold nighttime temperatures are helping them split.

#lithops #lithopssplitting
Mid Winter 2020

I’m never sure how to post these friends, I only know the species of aloinopsis schooneesii, in the bottom right. If anyone can identify any, I’d be very grateful!

All the rest are #lithops, some are #lithops-aucampiae but that's as about as specific as I can get.

Thanks @sushiwaitress I’m hoping to find some books soon to get better identities for them, some of them should be old enough to flower next year I’m hoping.

The Love Lithops group on Facebook is full of lots of experienced growers. Also has lots of photos, as well as
Mid Summer 2019

These guys are all of unknown variety, mainly because these living stones are so hard to identify. The unique patterns differ on almost every lithops, and true identity can’t be found until the plant flowers. If only they matured to flowering faster ☺️ These guys are in 80% perlite, 10% crushed granite, and 10% organic soil.

Got a couple of them on Thursday. Should I repot right away and let them soak up about a tablespoon of water from the bottom.

@babybutton Almost always repot lithops, garden centres can’t seem to get their drainage needs right.- go as low on organic as possible, probably about 10% dirt 90% inorganics(rocks, gravel, perlite) Now, for watering, What growth stage are they in? If you can see a new set of leaves coming through, do not water them, It may kill them(still repot though). Look at their tops: Puffy top=overwatered, flat top=perfect, sunken top=Water me, Tag me in a picture of yours! I water mine 2-3 times/year

You should check out @sushiwaitress she has lovely plants and has a passion for #lithops . Welcome to GT😊

thanks @kylers it's true, the obsession is real.
Since I felt like posting I also made this lovely #lithupdate of my #lithops Hoping to afford some seeds soon!! #living-stones