Acer Palmatum 'Atropurpureum'
Japanese Maple 'Atropurpureum'
- Early Spring 2019
- 11
- 4
- Early Spring 2018
- 10
- 6
Acer Palmatum 'Atropurpureum'
- Early Spring 2019
- 11
- Early Spring 2018
- 10
Japanese maple looking beautiful today. Except for the green trunk 🤢 it’s 3 years old and I couldn’t see that it had grown any... then this fall, I noticed it was turning green. Turns out I planted it way too deep. So, this fall, I am going to have to raise it up, so that the root ball is only 1/4 in the ground. 😟 going to try and enjoy it as much as possible this year, in case I do a bad job. Scared to mess with it Bc I love it so much.
You should be fine replanting it this time of the year, you just don't want to in the highest heat of summer 😉💘😍
@ShelleySnyder I would have, but it was just leafing out and looking so beautiful. I’m afraid if I move it now, it will look sad and weary this year... u think?
It shouldn't, try to find where it was originally planted and don't plant it any deeper, that the biggest killer of trees , planting them to deep! Acer's are tough little trees, just be sure to keep it watered good. But if you are going to move it do it before it heats up cuz that will be much more stressful on it! Really it should be fine don't be scared!😉💘😍
Thank you @ShelleySnyder I may have to put my big girl panties on and quit being a wimp lol
😂😂😂😂I know it can be hard sometimes especially when you are in love with the plant you have to do something with! At my age and after this many years of gardening I just don't worry about it that much cuz I know no matter what there are mistakes still to be made and successes to have! That's just the way it is in the garden world!😉💘😍
#japanesemaple is finally filling out in the 4th year. And really showing out right now
This is magnificent!💘😍
Thanks ladies, I sure do love it @ShelleySnyder @cyndi