Living Stones
- Early Spring 2021
- 9
- 1
- Early Winter 2021
- 17
- 4
- Mid Autumn 2020
- 12
- 18
- Early Autumn 2020
- 11
- 1
- Early Spring 2021
- 9
- Early Winter 2021
- 17
Even though I found mealies today I found this which makes #succulentsunday better. They are making baby ones. Yay #lithops #lithopssuccess
I dropped it tho and lost some dirt so I grabbed some damp dirt from a big plant and added. I hope the moisture doesnt hurt it. Fingers crossed
Amazing comeback!👍🌞
- Mid Autumn 2020
- 12
To ALL THE LITHOP PROS out there. I am super afraid to water them and I heard u aren't supposed to until they show that a baby is revealing itself but these are getting awfully it ok to water a bitt now before the cold really sets in? #lithopadvice #plantadvice #plantquestion #planthelp #lithophelp
I've had mine for about 10 years or so and I water regularly in the fall and in the spring and I cut back in the winter and I almost stop watering in the summer when they go dormant.
@rosechilders101 I hope I just linked the right person! Do you know what to do?
Unfortunately I am not very familiar with lithops but those look like they want water- maybe start with a small amount of water, give them a few hours, and see how they react?
What do u mean u cut them back? What is there to cut? @txgardener
Cut back on watering in the winter. Water deeply in the fall and spring. I'm dumb i literally though u cut yours lmao @txgardener I just read somewhere not to water in winter or early spring. So I'm gonna water them. Thank u for your help
Sure. Good luck. These little guys are a little tricky when it comes to watering. As u know. Once u figure out how much water and when they are easy to care for. 👍
Another lithop grower to follow is @sushiwaitress. She grows from seed.
Yes @sushiwaitress is brilliant for advice too. Thanks for info @txgardener
Hi all! @txgardener @lovestogarden here's my advice: first, lithops need a soil mix that's about 80-90% tiny gravel or large sand grains (my mix is tiny bits of pumice and turface) and then about 10-20% of something that absorbs water (I use coco coir instead of potting mix, but potting mix works too). The soil they are potted in from the nursery will hold too much water if you leave the lithops in that soil long term.
I'll tag you on a photo where I describe my gritty mix for lithops. Now in the short term, they do look like they need water, so I'd give them about a quarter cup and then wait a week and see if they perk up after a few days.
- Early Autumn 2020
- 11
#lithops #mimicryplant #stonefaces
Repotted and seperated my #lithops yesterday. Also watered now that the outer leaves have totally dried up. Hope thats ok