Begonia (Rex Cultorum Group) syn. Begonia rex
Rex Begonia
Mid Autumn 2019
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Early Autumn 2019
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Late Winter 2019
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Begonia (Rex Cultorum Group) syn. Begonia rex
Mid Autumn 2019
Early Autumn 2019

#begonia #begonia-rex #houseplant Still tentatively ‘Maui Mist’ but I’ll probably never be able to confirm this. Begonias got so popular to breed, they just outran anyones ability to record who crossed what with what. Compound that with the plant industry’s habit of theft, adding their own names, and tendency to not label, and you get a wreck 🐶
Late Winter 2019

3-2-19 Tentatively ‘Maui Mist’ cultivar. Thank you Costa Farms for off-putting vagueness, and tempting plants. 💚💜🌴 #begonia #houseplant #shade
#begonia #houseplant #begonia-rex #foliage The colors on this look nearly metallic to me. I kept rubbing the leaves at Walmart after I dug this one out from the back of the shelf to make sure I wasn’t being had. 😂🙈
Thank you! ^_^ It’s fascinating to see every new leaf, because the spots around the edges are different on every leaf, no two are alike, like fingerprints! 🤩 @gjones