Late Autumn 2016
Late Autumn 2016

Hello Hassan 👋 Thanks for posting your first photo. 👏 You can find other like-minded gardeners to follow by tapping on Discover and then "Popular" or "Recommended". If you need to reply to a user or just want to say "hello", simply @username an individual i.e. @teamgardentags and that person will get an alert in their profile. Finally, if you would like guidance on getting the most out of the app, please check out our tutorial videos: Enjoy using GT! 😃

@hkanso welcome to gtags. I am fairly new here too. I hope you will like it as much as I do. Have questions just ask.😃🤗

I have a yellow burnt edges in my plant. Any ideas
@hkanso, hi, if you know who you want to talk to, put @ in front of their username and they will get notified of your comment or question. Until you get to know people you can start by asking questions of people from the list that usgardentags contacted in the hello message asking them to identify your plant. Also you can start by asking people you are following that it said they have more experience. ( Technically you can ask anyone you want to but this would be good starting points.😊
@hkanso, l am not very knowledgeable you can look up the plant care instructions in the apps encyclopedia to see if you are caring for it correctly. I check out if I am giving the right amount of water. Not too much that the plant is always soaked and enough that the soil is kept moist. Also that the pot has drainage holes so water doesn't collect at the bottom of the pot and is drowning the plant. If everything looks ok there I look at the lighting. Is is it too much or not enough. Continued.
@hkanso (ran out of space to write) If all this looks ok then maybe the roots are pot-bound and it needs a bigger pot for the roots. After that you get into wondering if it has enough nutrients in the soil. Also checking for parasites is a good idea. These are all general tips, you need to follow the instructions for this kind of plant in the encyclopedia. I hope this is helpful. 🤔😮😊
Hi Michelle. It looks a bit over watered to me, and I don't think this plant is labeled correctly. Does not look like an Agave to me @purplebird
@SikoMa do you think i shall move it to a smaller pot for a while
I don't think so Hassan. I think it should be fine. Just as long as it is draining well.
I call this Arrowhead Plant, but its proper name escapes me currently.... let me think a bit... 🤔 But, definitely not agave.