Monstera deliciosa
Swiss Cheese Plant
Mid Autumn 2023
- 3
Late Summer 2023
- 9
Late Summer 2023
- 2
Mid Winter 2023
- 3

Monstera deliciosa
Mid Autumn 2023
Late Summer 2023

The first few sections chopped and ready for #propagation ! Covered the node and any aerial roots loosely in damp #sphagnummoss, then wrapped in film and foil, making sure to leave the cut ends out to avoid #stemrot . So far there’s loads of visible root growth, so it won’t be long before I’m potting these up! #swisscheeseplant

Hollie, if you add hashtags to your post it will benefit others who might be looking for inspiration or help in doing something similar. #swisscheesemonstera #propagation #newplants #propagation-leafcuttings Good luck with yours! 💚

Thank you @jacaranda 💚I’m still #new to this 😂

You’ll get there! Once you’ve worked out the basics it’s a very easy app to use. 👍😀

Super effort!!

@robynee does lots of plant propagation. Check out her feed.

Thanks @brightcolours 😁 Her profile is private, but I’ve sent a follow request. Propagation is my current obsession! 😅

@holliebobbs if you have any propagation questions be sure to ask. I’m happy to help 😁

@robynee thank you, I definitely will! I’ve just had a quick look at your profile, you’ve got so many beautiful, healthy looking plants 💚
Late Summer 2023

The last photo I took before #chopping to #propagate - Tidied up and #trimmed back any unruly #aerialroots before #cutting it into sections. #swisscheeseplant

Nothing ventured, nothing gained! #before
Mid Winter 2023

My 5yr old #monstera when I first moved to my #newhome 💚 It looks very #different now! #swisscheeseplant #before #bigleaves

Hi Hollie 👋 Thanks for posting your first photo. 👏 You can find other like-minded gardeners to follow by tapping Discover and "Popular" or "Recommended". If you need to reply to a user or just want to say "hi", simply @username an individual i.e. @teamgardentags and that person will get an alert. Finally, if you'd like guidance on getting the most out of the app, please check out our tutorial videos: Enjoy using GT! 😃

Hi Hollie. Welcome to this great gardening community 👋👋 Your plant has huge leaves! Enjoy your GTags journey with us 😀
Forgot to post the last photo from my #monstera ‘s big chop! The top node had already been wrapped in damp #sphagnummoss for a few weeks, and had produced multiple new #aerialroots so I decided to pot it up straight away 😁 I let it sit for a few hours after the cut so the stem could callous over, and have left the cut above the soil to avoid #stemrot 🤞 Don’t worry - the canes are temporary! Once it’s produced new growth and is ready for a repot, it will get a #mosspole 💚 #propogation
@holliebobbs - Nice looking plant. For the next one, make sure you have roots on the roots before potting up. You want the roots to look like a big mass of ramen noodles. Yes, it will take more time - but it will ensure the plant has a higher capacity to cope with transplant shock and to start pushing out new leaves sooner.
@robynee thanks ☺️ I looked back at the dates on pictures and it was actually wrapped for 3 months before the chop, not just a few weeks 😅 It had a a lot of healthy roots that had split at multiple points - hopefully that will be enough for this one 🤞 but I’ll definitely be waiting a lot longer for the rest 😁